On April 2nd our baby girl turned 8 weeks and Easter makes for her 2nd month birthday!
I am going to be saying this a lot, but she is changing lots and time is going fast! I've been told the days seem long and the years go fast - this I believe is very true! It has been such a joy being a parent and learning what that entails. I will admit there have been plenty of hard/difficult moments and days/nights, but that's what parenthood can be like sometimes. I am also blessed to be able to stay home with her (thank you Steven for providing for us)! Ellie is amazing and watching her grow is such a joy.
The good stuff:
- She has been amazing in her own crib at night since day one. Lately she does an average of 7 1/2 hours between feedings at night...but once in awhile she likes to mix things up and wake every couple hours or so to nurse. I know I'm lucky still with how great she does! And, she does need to be swaddled, otherwise she would fling her arms around and go crazy.
- She has started intentionally smiling, which made me cry every time...and may still once in awhile!! What can I say, I'm a sap and it melts my heart.
- She can hold her head up so well when you're holding her and when she does tummy time.
- She moves/kicks her legs much, wanting to crawl while on tummy time, too. If you brace your hands against the bottom of her feet she will push her way across the blanket. And she really likes to push to standing while you hold her.
- She loves her ball toy that has holes in it and a jingle ball inside, her Baby Einstein music toy and in her bouncy chair the rolling ball toy that hangs down and makes noise.
- She likes to be carried in the Moby wrap and Ergo carrier here and there (though she's kind of unpredictable on when she will be a fan or not).
- Here and there she will squeal and jabber in baby talk. It's so cute and I look forward to when she will babble more!
- She has basically grown out of all her newborn clothes and is sporting the 0-3, and some 3 month, clothes (and size 1 diaper). At her first month wellness check the doctor was super impressed with her weight gain and I'm looking forward to her 2nd month wellness check (which is later this week). She may be petite, but she still has plenty of baby rolls!
The hard stuff:
- Diaper changes aren't always her favorite...can't blame her; being exposed like that would be a shock sometimes.
- She doesn't always like riding in the car seat. For the most part she does, but when she doesn't - oh buddy.
- She developed reflux a few weeks after birth. It's hard to hear her have that. We give her medication for it morning and night with a syringe in her mouth, which she isn't a fan of. Supposedly, many babies grow out of it around 6 months and it won't cause developmental problems.
- She spits up quite randomly, so you always need to be prepared with a spit rag.
- Not a fan of baths. We've tried to look into ways to help make it a better experience for her, but it's been a slow transition from hate to like for her.
Each day is a new exciting one we get to watch her grow and develop her personality! We love her to bits!
She is a mover! It's hard to get a photo without her moving! |