Wednesday, January 3, 2018

seven months

Paige wasn't feeling the photos today

Size: Don't have any stats for this month. But she's still in size 3 diaper. And more and more size 6 clothes aren't fitting and more and more 12 month clothes are fitting (not a lot of pants though).

Eating: We introduced solids! So far she's had oatmeal cereal, pureed sweet potato, carrots, pears, apples and avocado (this is the only thing she hasn't liked and I've only given it to her once). The picture of her trying oatmeal (first solid) is hilarious (in last post...). I made the mistake of using the oldest breastmilk I had and Paige wasn't a fan. Thankfully she hasn't cared what dated milk I've used since then and eats food great! She's nursing like a champ still and takes a bottle great! We also introduced a sippy cup and she does fairy well with it and swallowing the water.

Sleep: This department has gotten so much better! Her first nap is around 8:15am, usually for 2 hours and her second nap is around 1/1:30pm, for 2 hours on average. She'll fall asleep for bed around 6:15pm and wake around 6am. However, if she spits up in her crib (which happens frequently) or has a poopy diaper (which happens ever so often), they delay her falling asleep or interrupt her nap and she can have a hard time falling back asleep. Then that affects how the rest of the day/nap/bedtime/morning wake up go. If she hasn't napped the greatest the day before, she'll usually wake in the 5am hour and won't always go back to sleep.

- Solid food
- Crawling in a circle
- Scooting backwards
- Usually knows something (toy, sweater string, etc) is hidden under something and tries getting to it
- While she sits independently good, she can also twist to the side as well
- Showing more facial expressions/emotions towards things/people; like furrowing her brow for a moment if Ellie is making some crazy loud noises or frustration towards you

- Chewing on highchair straps
- Looking in the mirror. She'll smile/get excited when you take her to the bathroom mirror
- Dropping/throwing toys and if she's on the ground she'll turn and grab, or try to crawl/grab, it back
- When you turn the water on for bath. I think she is learning that means it's bath time and that's a definite like
- Sweater strings; pulling and chewing on them of course
- Her new exersaucer
- When you sign and say 'all done'

- When you take away/hide highchair straps mentioned above
- Still doesn't like being ignored for more than a few minutes

Additional things I want to remember:
- Laughs consistently now! I was seriously worried about her lack of laughs; how few and far in between they'd be. But, her doctor didn't seem concerned when I brought it up at her 6 month well check. She has just been a more serious and inquisitive baby. Still really takes things in around her. I'm just glad she's showing us more of her happy side!

- She has been so good in the car seat and going places. I love her content demeanor for that. However, in other situations she is a feisty girl and tells you if she's upset fairly fast.

- Her hair is about an inch everywhere, except the top, that hair is about 3 inches! I'm telling ya, she could have a nice faux hawk! And thankfully her bald spot is filling in nicely.

-Will reach as far as she can for something before she attempts to crawl for it. It looks pretty funny.

- I think her eyes are going to stay brown! Love that I'll (hopefully) share an eye color with at least one of my girls.

Monday, January 1, 2018

December photo favorites

I think December is favorite month. It holds Christmas, my favorite holiday. It calls for many get togethers with friends, and usually family (this year we decided to stay home). The month also holds my birthday - which I love celebrating. 
I really enjoy having people in our home - sharing laughs and making memories! This year we had Paige in the mix for the first time and it filled my heart with even more joy. 
I also really like how the end of the year makes you think back on the previous months; reflecting on memories. Many moments were hard, but many moments were also amazing. It also makes you think about hopes for the coming year and things to get better at. 
I'm glad I have this blog to make note of special times with our family and some friends. There are times I know I'm annoying about pictures (sorry Steven!), but I'm glad to have these little snippets to look back on!

^ I always decorate for Christmas the weekend after Thanksgiving! Really feeling the holiday cheer!

^ Ellie wants to hold Paige every once in awhile and I love when I capture it! And, coincidentally the girls were wearing their Halloween outfits at the same time.

^ Ellie and I went on a walk with some friends and stopped at the park along the route. It was COLD, but that didn't stop this girl from having fun.

^ Paige had her first solid food; oatmeal (plus many others-but this picture was her first experience)! I made the mistake and used the oldest frozen milk I had and Paige wasn't a huge fan. Thankfully the second feeding was a much better success!

^ First time making (gingerbread) cookies with Ellie. Using the cookie cutters lasted about 5 minutes - she was more interested with the final result - eating the cookies! I can't blame her. 

^ Ellie was watching Monsters, Inc. (she's watched it a ton of times) and this particular time she didn't like Randall - insert picture above. This was her first time covering her face and it was hilarious. And she has been obsessed with wearing this Wonder Woman crown this past month. She seriously wears it every single day. Best kids meal treat she ever did receive. 

Our FIRST snow fall of the winter and Ellie LOVED it...


Our SECOND snow fall shenanigans - much better snow for playing in and making things...

^ Her FIRST snow angel. However, according to Ellie it's a snow angel princess!

^ Her FIRST snowman, named Goofy. She put her hand on him all on her own for the picture and then proceeded to give him a hug. 

^ One day she was eating teddy grahams and she looked over at me with this one inside her lips. 

^ Ellie put this hat on Paige and Paige didn't know what to think.

^ Our 3rd annual Friends Christmas party! We always have a great time with these people! 

^ Ellie plays in her room while I'm putting Paige down for bed and she hung up this blanket all on her own. The next day she hung it in a way that it was a hammock for her stuffed animals. I love seeing her creativity!

^ Christmas Eve service at church. Steven had both Christmas Eve day and Christmas Day off! We loved having him with us!! 

These pictures of the girls melt my heart. Loved experiencing Christmas with our little family even more this year. Ellie had the most fun yet and Paige was wanting to grab at everything!  

^ It snowed even more on Christmas! Having a white Christmas really makes me happy!

^ My mother-in-law and sister-in-law made several princess dress up outfits for Ellie and they are amazing! The pink Aurora one is Ellie's favorite of course. And she also got the dress up shoes from her other aunt! 

^ One of my very good friends had their first baby; Lily! Beyond excited for them! 

^ I turned 30!!! I am content saying that and am so happy with where I am at in my life. God has done a lot with me and for me. I look forward to what's in store for the next 30 years!