Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Paige at 15 months

Size: On 9/20 she was 22.49 pounds (65%) and 31.2" (65%). Wearing size 12-18, 18, 18-24 month clothes and size 4 (18-24 month). Still sporting size 5 diaper, but could maybe be moved up to 6 soon.

Eating: Over the last couple of months I would say Paige has gotten a little pickier. She's not always up for trying new foods. And sometimes you have to rub it on her lips/tongue so she'll at least try a little of it before she'll actually have a bite. Fruits are her absolute favorite (berries, banana, oranges are her top picks). Loves milk as well and when she runs out she may get a little upset about it. And for the last couple months, when 5 o'clock hits, she is totally ready for dinner - no matter what time she ate her snack last. At 12.5 months I weaned her from breastfeeding. I (physically) could have continued just fine. I, however (emotionally/mentally), was basically ready to be done. We tried just giving her whole milk in a sippy cup while she sat in her highchair, but I think it was too soon of a transition from breastfeeding and being held while she drank out of a bottle. So we gave the bottle back to her and held her while she did that for a couple more weeks.

Sleep: Waking on average at 7:15am. Around 13 months we played with taking Paige's morning nap away, but it didn't really go over well, so we gave it back. But then around 14.5 months, we played with taking it away again. We were going to be traveling to Alaska in September and we wanted to see how she'd do without us having to give that to her (it would just make doing things out a whole lot easier). It went over with success and so now she just has the one nap in the afternoon. You've got to be careful though to how close you are to nap time, otherwise, she will fall asleep on the car ride home! 12:45pm is roughly when she needs to go down. And she'll sleep till 3pm on average. Then bedtime is 7:30pm on average. Still sleeps through the night like a champ.

- Semi-running
- Isn't really saying much consistently, but has said: mama, dad, all done, yes, don't, dog, cracker, this, that, dance (sounded like: dace), Ellie (sounded like: Ehe) and some other ones I'm forgetting at the moment. (I want to note that her speech is drastically different than Ellie's was at this age. Ellie literally had around 40 words now (see her 15 month update here). But Paige's doctor isn't concerned and says a lot of kids have a word explosion around 18 months. So I'm just trying to patiently wait for her vocabulary to develop.)
- Knows where her belly and belly button are
- Has 12 teeth
- Blows kisses
- Knows where her room, Ellie's room, our room, and the bathtub is
- Climbing onto the couch and ottoman

- Shoes! She is always playing with them and trying to put them on
- Bags. Constantly snooping through any she sees in sight
- Accessories - necklaces and hats
- Books. She will sit by the bookshelves and turn the pages by herself
- Giving hugs (and sometimes kisses) to other babies/kids
- Pulling her bows out when she's in the car seat

- Wearing bibs
- Keeping her pants part way on for diaper changes. She will squirm and pull them off every time
- Waiting her turn for a toy
- The doctor getting close to her (which she's never really been a fan of since she was a few months old)

Additional things to remember:
How her bangs go straight down to mouth if her hair isn't pulled back. Loves seeing Ellie after she wakes and frequently wants to give her a hug right away. Flew for the first time at 15 months and did great (just kind of rubbed/pulled ears a few times when descending)! Has such big brown eyes and people are constantly saying how beautiful they are. Is smiling more to strangers, but can take a little bit to warm up to you. Whenever she sees a comb or brush, she'll grab it and proceed to brush hers and others hair. Love her babble and hand gestures. Determinded personality.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

August photo favorites

^ When your 3-year-old asks you what you're going to wear...my response "My romper." And her reply being, "I'm going to wear mine, too!!!" From what I can recall, I don't think I've ever had us match on purpose. So when she said that I was shocked (and a bit happy-to my surprise). I've never been into the whole matchy matchy thing, but I loved it this day. And especially that it was her idea. 

^ Paige learned to climb onto the couch all by herself this month.

Trying to get her shoes on!

^ Ellie had been in our bedroom playing...or so I thought...until I checked on her. Found her in our bathroom with my makeup on the floor and on her FACE! First time she had ever done that. 

^ Wanted her photo taken by the toilet paper! HAHA

^ Ellie has started to have interest in taking photos and she snaped this one of Paige and I.

Having fun with stickers on our faces. 

^ Ellie wanted to take my picture again.

^ This happens every day, with one of them giving the other a hug and the other trying to escape the grip. Oh sibling love. But at least they really do love each other ; ) and have some really sweet moments. 

^ Steven and I celebrated our 10th anniversary on August 16th! (I can't believe we're really old enough to say that?!) We are so grateful for our marriage and all the things that we've had in our life thus far. There have been many molding moments, because we aren't perfect, but we're always trying to better ourselves and be better for each other. God is helping us in this and thank goodness for Him and his example and guidance, because we couldn't do it without Him. 
(And we always pose in front of something with the year we're celebrating.)

^ This girl has had a cold for about a week and she's been super clingy some of those days. I may get frustrated that she's being whiny and reaching up for me again, for the 100th time in one day. But I try to remind myself that she's sick and this won't always be the scenario. AND I'll miss these close, clingy moments when all she wants is for me to hold her. 

Ellie has started to intentionally draw people. Here are some (picture above and below) done by her.

^ New found enjoyment for these girls-being pulled around the hardwood floors, together, in a blanket.

^ Waitress Ellie taking my order. All on her own she got her apron on, a sticky note and pencil and asked me what I would like to have her make in the kitchen. And she added, "You may have to have some patience, because it could take a little bit of time to make your food." I have probably said something to that affect in the past...oh how kids will repeat what they are told!

^ Paige got a new car seat and by the looks of it, she liked her new ability to rest her foot on Ellie's.

^ First selfie

^ Pciture by Ellie. (It totally captured how Paige has been drooling A TON again this month.)