Wednesday, October 29, 2014
25 weeks
This week I am going to do a little Q&A that lots of people tend to do for their pregnancy updates and I wanted to mix it up just a little today by doing one...
How far along are you?: 25 weeks and 1 day
Baby is: estimated to be about 9 inches and 1.5 lbs
Obsessing over: getting this little girls room together! Some of it is painted and the decor pieces are coming along!
Favorite moment this week: last week I had my routine appointment and the Dr. said I am the model pregnant lady! My weight gain is going as it should, belly is measuring good (and belly button isn't an outie just yet-getting quite close though), blood pressure is good, I still have ankles-haha, symptoms are very minimal, etc. etc. And this was such a wonderful thing to be told because of some thoughts I'd been struggling with (i.e. see the 'Working on' down below)
Feeling: lots of movement! She mostly moves when I am just sitting or laying down. Steven got to feel her for the first time recently and we were both so happy to share in that!
Working on: not letting the enemy lower my self worth. I have been struggling with body image off and on...feeling round and awkward. Weight is being distributed to lots of places other than just my belly. And even though I know it's okay, I just felt...ugh. I know I am creating a human being, so I am constantly telling myself I'm very grateful for this gift not everyone gets. AND my body is doing amazing things...some things beyond my control-obviously. The enemy like to makes it's way into my thoughts though and try to smash my self esteem. I am being reassured by many around me that I am beautiful and most importantly I know I am.
Thinking about: all the things we would like to get done/have before the baby comes (only about 3 more months-ahhh!). We are constantly crossing off and adding to our 'To-do/To-get' lists
Anticipating: our maternity photos next week! I am pretty much ready for a photo any time, ha, but Steven on the other hand could pass on any photo opportunity. Thankfully he is being a wonderful husband and will take part in this with me (thank you Steven!!).
Currently craving: Chinese and Mexican food. There is a fabulous Chinese restaurant back in Alaska called Pagoda we miss a ton and it will be hard to find anything that compares, but I am on the hunt for anything close!
Wishing: that I could just snap my fingers and everything on our house we want to put up/change would be done!
What are you most looking forward to?: so much! Mostly like I said already, our maternity photos and getting more things done on our house!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
23 weeks
During 22 weeks 23 weeks
Baby girl is about the size of a papaya; 8 inches and 1.2 pounds. I forgot to mention in my 21 week post, baby was weighing 13 ounces for sure at my last scan! That was my last ultrasound, too, unless something seems wrong, or we decide to pay for a 3D ultrasound later on. I had been spoiled, because I have had an ultrasound at every appointment and not everyone gets that. So even though I have been able to see baby girl more than some get to see their baby, I am sad we probably won't get to see her anymore till birth. However, they will check fetal heartbeat and that is always a joy to hear!
I have officially felt baby move/kick/punch!!!!!! It is such a wonderful/amazing feeling! I've felt her several times throughout the day and mostly right when I am settling into bed for the night! Steven hasn't been able to feel her yet, but hopefully soon. According to my reading baby recently started swallowing the amniotic fluid, so I may start to feel her hiccup, too-I am curious how that will feel!
This week I have been getting things together for her room! The colors I have decided on are black and white with accents of gold, blush pink, mint and gray. Theme is kind of eclectic Paris. I have loved Paris since I was in high school. Over the years I have accumulated different decor pieces and wanted to incorporate that in a little girls room, now I get to! This week I also bought some maternity jeans and they are nice! My growing belly isn't allowing my pre-pregnancy jeans to fit comfortably anymore and more of my tops are being pushed to their limits, so I may have bought some more cute flowy ones. Feeling attractive will all these growing parts is important!
Time seems to be going fast-I can't believe it is mid October already. Fall is however my favorite season (I'm enjoying Pumpkin lattes as much as I can, too) and Christmas is right around the corner-my favorite holiday! Things are going right along and we are great!
Sunday, October 5, 2014
San Diego adventures
A little over a week ago I met up with my husband Steven's immediate family in San Diego. It was so nice to see them again and spend a few days having some quality time together. (Steven stayed back home to work and we all missed him!)
While I was there it was kind of non-stop from morning till night, but thankfully my pregnant self was able to keep up and had fun! For the first full day we were there we went to Seaworld! I have never been so it was cool to see some huge sea life that are also quite talented...the tricks they learn are amazing! We watched a dolphin and whale show that was super impressive. My nephew got to go on some water rides he truly had a blast on. On the first ride they all got wet and when they were getting ready to go on another wet ride, Jaxon (our nephew) started taking off his clothes, because he didn't want them to get wet again we guessed, haha. It was so funny and cute, but they had him keep his clothes on in the end-didn't think they would let him go in just his underwear you know ; ). The kids, and big kids...yes us adults, had a great time throughout the day and the little ones got their naps in their strollers, too...we wished there were adult sized strollers we could take a nap in and have someone push us around. Wouldn't that be awesome?!
Then the second day was The San Diego Zoo! I have also never been to this zoo, and so it was another day being a big kid. I wasn't the only one though, everyone loved seeing the amazing animals. Our niece Finley, who just turned one a month ago, loved seeing some of the animals. She would point and make an 'O' with her mouth, because she was so amazed at these things. It was adorable. One thing we also got to see was a cheetah and dog that were best friends...yep, a dog (can't remember the kind-but a big one) and a cheetah got rescued around the same time and have been inseparable. I could go on, but I'll keep it semi-short and share some photos from the trip below!
At both these places though, Seaworld and the zoo, it's amazing how many animals they have been able to rescue and help.

While I was there it was kind of non-stop from morning till night, but thankfully my pregnant self was able to keep up and had fun! For the first full day we were there we went to Seaworld! I have never been so it was cool to see some huge sea life that are also quite talented...the tricks they learn are amazing! We watched a dolphin and whale show that was super impressive. My nephew got to go on some water rides he truly had a blast on. On the first ride they all got wet and when they were getting ready to go on another wet ride, Jaxon (our nephew) started taking off his clothes, because he didn't want them to get wet again we guessed, haha. It was so funny and cute, but they had him keep his clothes on in the end-didn't think they would let him go in just his underwear you know ; ). The kids, and big kids...yes us adults, had a great time throughout the day and the little ones got their naps in their strollers, too...we wished there were adult sized strollers we could take a nap in and have someone push us around. Wouldn't that be awesome?!
Then the second day was The San Diego Zoo! I have also never been to this zoo, and so it was another day being a big kid. I wasn't the only one though, everyone loved seeing the amazing animals. Our niece Finley, who just turned one a month ago, loved seeing some of the animals. She would point and make an 'O' with her mouth, because she was so amazed at these things. It was adorable. One thing we also got to see was a cheetah and dog that were best friends...yep, a dog (can't remember the kind-but a big one) and a cheetah got rescued around the same time and have been inseparable. I could go on, but I'll keep it semi-short and share some photos from the trip below!
At both these places though, Seaworld and the zoo, it's amazing how many animals they have been able to rescue and help.

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