Eyes: They seem to be staying dark blue/green/grey with some hints of brown...maybe a shade of hazel? They are unique that's for sure and aren't like Steven or I's.
Hair: Long, long, long, auburn and a little wavy! More is growing in around her hairline, too so...maybe she won't have as big of a forehead (ha). And all I can seem to do with it is put it to the side with a clip or up in a side pony. It's really hard to get her to hold still, no matter what we do, or try to distract her with. Therefore, those two hair styles will have to do for now!
Sleep: This section is basically the same as last month. One thing we are able to do is talk through the baby monitor, telling Ellie to lay down (if she has been playing/standing in crib for 15 minutes or so) and she will listen and stay down (most of the time)! The first couple times we did it, she knelt down peering through the crib rails like she was caught and looked out to see who was in the room, and then she'd lay down after a few seconds. It was hilarious and when she plops down now, it's pretty amusing. Such a good listener and sleeper! There has been a few times where she's whimpered/cried in her sleep for a few minutes, like she was having a bad dream. It was of course sad when it happened and I've gone in a couple times to rub her back, soothing her. Overall, she is amazing at sleep and I try not getting irritated those days where she won't nap superb. Plus, she has a cold right now, so getting completely comfortable has been hard for her the last few days, understandably.
Eating: Her appetite has certainly gotten bigger. I'm still nursing her 6 times a day and feeding her solids 3 times a day. But the amount of solids she wants, has increased; she acts like we starve her! I haven't introduced many new foods besides oranges, strawberry and spinach. I'm needing to get creative, because she loves and swallows the stage 2/sitter foods like they are liquid (which they basically are) and would eat more, BUT she's not a fan of the stage 3/crawler foods. I think because of the texture and taste. They also seem to put a lot of seasoning in the dinner type ones and the chunks are weird/hard for her to "chew"... still NO teeth (?!?!?!?). We have given her some soft/small pieces of our food and she likes that. But she seems to be particular about the texture; she'll kind of gag even when they are tiny pieces mixed in with the pureed food. So I just need to experiment with what foods she will try and like. It hasn't been an easy transition and there's been plenty of wasted food : /
(I'll take any advice anyone has to offer!)
- Kneels on one knee and kind of sits on the other leg, like she's getting ready to stand
- Has stood up in the middle of the floor on own
- Has taken one and two steps at a time, several times! We think she'll be totally walking be her first birthday!
- Can walk with just holding one of our hands
- Waves hi and bye bye, but not consistently
- Added more words to her "vocabulary": mama (my heart bursts when she says it, even though I don't think she's made the actual connection, but I'll take it), bye bye (be be), dog (doh), banana (nana), more (mo). None of these are consistent either and can take a lot of coaxing to get out of her. But at least she is trying to repeat us!
- Points at things and babbles
- Knows when you hide something under a blanket or pillow and gets it. Things aren't really out of sight and out of mind now
- Taking sunglasses off your face and playing with them
- Her dads hat. She takes that off of him, too and plays with it/eats it
- When we say "I'm going to get you!". She crawls away super fast, or if she's standing along the furniture, she tries to walk along it fast. Her laugh and squeals are adorable!
- Riding in carts at the store
- Pulling books off the shelves
- Clapping
- Something getting taken out of her hand; she's getting an opinion about things
- Getting diaper changed (unless she's got a full belly or a cool toy in hand)
- When we're eating and she's not
Some additional things I want to remember:
How her middle and ring finger tips (on just right hand) seem to be permanently wrinkled from her sucking on them during naps and bedtime. How she'll sometimes crawl into my lap, lay her head on my shoulder and suck her two fingers, all on her own, when it's close (or time) to go down for nap or bedtime. Her cuddles before we put her down for sleep. The way she steps/digs her right heel down when we help her walk. How she curls in her bottom lip sometimes when she says "mama". How she sits on her knees and bounces up and down. How she'll laugh when other people are laughing. Gets shy around newer people sometimes (she'll smile and then bury her face in my shoulder).
I know I say this a lot, but I can't believe in 2 months she will be a year old!?!?!? It's been so fun watching her learn and take in the world around her. Being a mom has been so fulfilling and an amazing gift.
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