For several years I have wanted to screen print designs on shirts and more so on onesies (and now I have a little one to dress all cute!). Several years ago we
did have access to a screen printing machine and played around a little, but didn't do too much. With working full time and other things, I didn't put forth time to really get serious about it. Then when I could get serious, having a machine of our own, we moved to a different state, had different projects to focus on and then we had Ellie, whom I definitely wanted to focus my time on. Now she's almost a year old (insert heart eyes, along with tears of sadness-she's growing, too fast) and do have more time on my hands, plus we finally got all restocked on what we needed to actually screen print with. I can do it! There have been sketches and drawings in my art book for quite awhile and I am so excited to finally get them
on clothes. And thankfully I have had plenty of friends having babies, or close to having, to gift them onesies with my designs on them.
I don't know what this will be the start of...
Maybe just that, giving clothes to friends and family with littles ones...or maybe a small business from home...
Whatever it is, I am so excited to do this. And I'll be sharing final pieces soon!
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