Monday, August 1, 2016

July photo favorites

This past month was full of girlfriend dates, play dates, a baby shower and a special date night for Steven and I. We are so grateful to have such a wonderful group of friends here, who we pretty much hang out with every week. And we are also so blessed to have people offering to watch Ellie often. Steven and I have been able to go on a date almost every month this year (we had lots last year as well) - which we cherish lots. It's easy to let those dates slip by after adding a little one to the mix, but making our relationship a priority is so important. Pouring into each other with no kid interruption(s) and doing something special we both love, just the two of us, builds on the relationship that started it all.
There aren't many photos of the things we did this month because we were busy having fun with our friends-talking, laughing and shopping! But of course, as usual, there are many photos of Ellie!
This summer has been hot; typical. And Ellie has still been loving her pool (she seriously asks to go in, every single day, saying "pool, pool!" and pointing to it outside). Thankfully it has a sunshade that goes on it, so it helps with the heat. I could also brag more about Ellie and her vocabulary, but I'll save that for her 18 month update later this month (she's going to be a year and a half on the 5th...whhhhaaaattttt?!?...and her well check appointment is on the 18th).

These two ladies (Shaina-top pic and Amanda-bottom pic) are such wonderful "aunties" to Ellie!
We love them! 

^^ one of Ellie's grandmas got her this chef outfit and some baking utensils. So stinking' cute!

^^ first finger painting experience, finally! 

^^ this was the face I got after I told her we were done climbing the stairs. We had already climbed ALL of them three previous times (so I'm really not that mean) and that was a bit tedious. 

^^ Tried out a new local place to eat downtown and it didn't disappoint. 
The name of course had me intrigued first ; )

^^ Play date for the little girls in our life group, while us moms hung out! 
We have been in our life group for almost 2 years and it has been great getting to know these ladies more and more.

^^ Loved celebrating this mom-to-be and little baby Penelope! 

^^ Raft trip with a group of ladies from our church. Oh man that trip was full of laughs, and also serious moments, getting to know each other, reflecting on God and our surroundings. HE is good! 

^^ Date night!! 

^^ one of Ellie's aunts got her this book 'Minnie in Paris' before she was born. I love Paris (never been, but hope to one day!) and this book was perfect for Ellie's room also. Well, it has become Ellie's favorite book - with no influence from me...I promise! 
She has learned to say 'mouse' and 'Paris'. We read before nap and bedtime and she points to this book, saying "Paris", wanting you to read that one all the time! And she gets a little upset if you pick a different book, because she does not tire of you reading this to her every day! ha 

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