September 24, 2016
I got up early, while Steven got ready for work, to take a pregnancy test before he headed off for the day. The main reason I decided to take a test was because I had been dealing with a sore throat and head cold for the last few days and wanted to take some meds...but knew there were some I needed to refrain from if I was pregnant. I was however a couple days late for my period as well, so I figured it wouldn't be too early to test.
As soon as I put the test down and started the timer, I was staring that thing down. My heart started racing. At first I thought there was just one line, and then...a faint second line appeared!!!! WE ARE PREGNANT!!! I walked into our bedroom with a big smile on my face. Steven and I made eye contact right away and he got a big smile on his face as well, and his jaw dropped. He said "Are you serious?!" Wow!" We both laughed, hugged and kissed. We both were so surprised and happy. He also added "You are one fertile lady!" And I replied with, "Back at ya!" (haha). So far we have been able to get pregnant each time within the first month of trying. That doesn't happen for a lot of people, especially several times in a row. We did know though that it was still very early on and anything could happen. We told some immediate family and some very close friends.
October 13, 2016
First OB appointment was today! I was so anxious going into it and was glad Steven could be there with me. At one point while we waited I started to cry with tears of fear. I told him I was preparing for the worst. He responded with "It will be, what it will be. We'll be okay" and he held my hand. Thankfully we had the ultrasound first thing and once we got into the ultrasound room, and all ready for the tech, my eyes were glued to the screen. After a few seconds of her doing her thing, we saw the smallest baby you ever did see (it looked a cocoon) AND a heartbeat! That was such a relief and such a joy to see! At the appointment it was roughly estimated to be week 7. However, the baby was measuring smaller; about 6 weeks. First due date given was June 1st, but then was changed to June 5th. Just ended up seeing one of the nurses during this visit and getting my blood drawn as well.
Symptoms thus far:
-Lots and lots of fatigue, food aversions and queasiness/nausea (but no throwing up!)
-Some very mild cramps
November 3, 2016
Today I had another appointment and got to see the PA. She did an annual check up and since there was an ultrasound machine in the actual patient room, she said we could look at baby for the fun of it! Yes, please! The (ancient) machine was angled more towards her, and Steven and I couldn't really see the screen good. The screen also had two lines going through it, so when she actually got a shot of the baby, they were in the way a bit. At first Steven and I couldn't tell if there was a heartbeat, but the PA saw it and recorded it. She played it back with audio and it was a joy listening to. Still measuring on the smaller side, so the June 5th due date was given again.
Symptoms at this point:
-Decreased fatigue, food aversions and queasiness/nausea
-Increased cramps, by A LOT. There were several days in a row I was have menstrual type cramps, lasting basically all day. I never had cramps like this when pregnant with Ellie, nor even when I wasn't pregnant. There was no spotting accompanying them, but I was getting concerned. We were on a trip in Vegas while these were happening and we were walking on average, 10 miles a day. Previous to this trip, I had been so couch ridden, that this level activity was a lot. So that movement, plus my body stretching to grow baby could be reason for these cramps. (Never called doctors office, but should have to calm nerves, or even be seen earlier than next scheduled appt.)
-Emotional - in the getting sentimental department. I already would feel overwhelming love for Ellie before I got pregnant, but now when I say "I love you" to her, I get so choked up! And even just looking at Steven and Ellie, separately and them together, I feel so blessed!
I had been wanting to announce in between this appointment and the next to everyone. But when I had those crazy cramps, I became worried and withheld announcing. (I know anything can happen still, at any point.)
December 13, 2016
I was more than ready today to see my doctor for my scheduled OB appointment, due to the symptoms and lack there of as listed above. Plus, so much time had passed between my last appointment!! When I told doctor what I had been experiencing, she responded with "okay, we'll be checking out baby's heartbeat today." And as soon as she put the doppler on my belly, we heard the heartbeat! I was so glad she didn't have to search for it! It sounded lovely. ( I swear I could listen to that little, fast, thing all day!) The doctor also talked to me about due date. She said, even though the ultrasounds were showing me measuring smaller, she would like to go off the first date given, June 1st. I was certainly okay with that! On the way home I was getting choked up and did shed several happy tears. I finally felt okay talking about baby with everyone.
With bumping my due date back up, that bumped up how far along I almost a week. Instead of being almost 15 weeks along, I was now almost 16 weeks along! The news was bursting out of me. Though, I took too long ordering the balloon I wanted Ellie to hold in the announcement picture and it seemed to take forever in getting here. SO, all that said, it made for an even later announcement.
We also didn't really talk about baby much in front of Ellie, because she is VERY verbal and recalls so much. She did bring it up shortly after we talked about it with her the first time and we realized we needed to stop. She was bound to spill the beans in public! Now we're talking about it with her and so far it seems exciting for her ; ). She says "baby tummy. Big sister!" - it's the sweetest thing!
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