Monday, April 17, 2017

33 weeks

How far along?: 33 weeks and 4 days

Movement: Her movement isn't as often, but when it is happening, boy is she strong!

Total weight gain: 18 pounds total so far. I don't think I've mentioned, but for those that don't know, the recommended weight gain for me is 25-35 pounds. So I least I hope...I'll be within that this pregnancy! I exceeded that by 3 pounds with Ellie and it certainly felt like it. Yeesh!

Maternity clothes: Since the belly is getting bigger and bigger, every day it seems, I've had to expand my wardrobe in the shirt department especially. I pretty much live in guys Hanes v-neck white t-shirts. I'd wear these a lot before pregnancy, but I just got one size up and they are still great! I've also snagged a couple of Steven's smaller shirts to wear. Trying to make the best out of what I have though, because I only have about a month left! There are some drawstring shorts I'm eyeing at Old Navy though, which would be nice to have post-pregnancy, too...

Currently craving: Ice cream, anything with chocolate and peanut butter sounds delicious (as it always has, but it's increased!!!), La Croix - Peach/Pear and passionfruit flavors and fish/cod sandwiches. And pretty much any junk food...though I try to limit it!

Anything make you sick or queasy?: Eating too much, which isn't surprising. Not as much food can be in my belly at once like it use to.

Stretch marks: I don't think I've gotten any new ones. I've mainly been using coconut oil on my whole mid-section at least twice a day and trying to drink plenty of water. When I was pregnant with Ellie a lot of the stretch marks I got came during the last month or two. So we'll see what happens, because really there is only so much I can do to prevent them.

Sleep: When night comes, I can't wait to put my head to my pillow. However, every once in awhile it can take me longer to fall asleep. Also, there have been a few nights where, around the 3 o'clock hour, after I get up to use the restroom for the 10th time (exaggerating, but it feels like it's that many times), it can take an hour or two to fall back asleep.

Feeling: Heartburn has been the most common and unpleasant symptom I have. But I pretty much eat and drink all the things that irritate that. Therefore, I think it's my fault I experience it every day! I'm also nesting like crazy with the babies room and want to have all I want/need for it, like, now! So, impatience is something I'm trying to tone down a couple notches. There are also moments where I get shortness of breath, after doing something such simple things such as picking up things around the house and sit down right after. Baby girl is putting pressure on my lungs for sure! Hot flashes have also made several appearances. Thankful I won't be pregnant during our hottest months!

Working on/thinking about: As I said in last paragraph, the babies room! I love how we're getting more and more of the furniture pieces and more of the decor together. I love walking in there and imagining it all in the end. Also, still thinking about labor often. Praying I have the strength to endure it and peace for any issues that arrive.

Favorite moment from this week: During my routine OB appointment last week I had a "just for fun of it" ultrasound. Granted the scan was on one of their old machines, the screen wasn't in a great spot and the PA was super fast at it. It was awesome to see little bits of our girl, even if it was for less than a minute.

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