Friday, August 4, 2017

two months

straining to look at the light/window (picture above & below)

Size: Weight - 12.39 pounds (67%) and height - 22.8" (52%). She can wear clothes ranging in size from 3-6 months. I was able to put her in a size 6 romper (does run a little small) that Ellie could only wear until she was actually 6 months. And I don't think Paige will be able to wear it again. So crazy to see their difference in this department...even though it shouldn't be a surprise, because Ellie was on the small side for awhile. Paige is also still wearing size 1 diaper.

Eating: On average she's eating 8 times in a 24 hour period. She's still only getting mama's milk. However, Steven has given her a bottle a few times with breastmilk in it. It hasn't gone super well, but she does get it down eventually. We're not giving up though, because going out by myself or with friends is something I need every once in awhile!

Sleep: Paige has become a way lighter sleeper during the day. Granted she can sleep really well in the wrap/ergo or carseat while shopping or at the park, and of course in our arms (in her room). BUT for some reason, most days she will/would not sleep longer than 30 minutes in her crib. We create the same atmosphere we do at night for her (she has slept in her crib at night since day one of being home), but she will not last long. The last couple days she did her longest stretch in her room since she was a newborn; 3 hours!  Along with two, hour long naps. Hallelujah! Maybe that will become more normal...fingers crossed! And speaking of night, she would go down in the 9 o'clock time frame. We are slowing encouraging a way earlier bedtime though and it has been successful. Then, she has been fairly predictable at waking in the 8 o'clock hour in the morning. During the night she wakes, at max, twice and usually goes back down really fast after nursing. Just within the last couple days have I started to track when she naps/goes down for bedtime. Hopefully some pattern will form, and I can hit her sleep times just right so she will continue to sleep longer stretches in crib. It's amazing how being overly tired affects sleep. (I think that was probably a big reason why she wasn't napping long.) I know sleeping other places than crib is ok, but I just want to create the habit of her taking naps in her crib.

- Smiling intentionally!! Oh it is sooo cute!
- When she does smile, sometimes it seems like she wants to laugh, too!
- Coos, gurgling sounds
- Rolling from tummy to side and back...she may just get lopsided and "fall" over ha!
- Raises head pretty well while on tummy time, and moves it side to side
- Can soothe self back to sleep sometimes after crying

- Watching Ellie do whatever!
- Pushing up with her legs when she's being held in your arms
- Looking all around when you're holding her up on your shoulder
- Baths!
- The pacifier...however, we take it away after she falls asleep with it and we never give it to her in the crib

- Doing tummy time for more than a few minutes
- Being woken up by loud noises or sooner than she would have liked
- She doesn't like getting dried off after bath

Additional things I want to remember:
- How she always follows us around with her head, watching whatever we're doing.
- How she kind of smiles with her whole body; moving like she's excited!
- Her pouty lip when she gets sad/cries

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