Tuesday, June 12, 2018

twelve months + birthday party

On June 3rd Paige turned 1!

Size: Wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 5 diaper (4 seems too small, but then size 5 does seem a little big...). She's 29.5" (about 62%) and 20.21 lbs (about 57%). Our big little girl!

Eating: She has weaned herself down to 2-3 nursings. It may mostly be because she's too distracted by Ellie and/or dad. We introduced whole milk and mixing it with breast milk has helped her drink it well. I'll wean her completely within this month, I think. Thankfully my supply hasn't freaked out one way or the other, so it's been a smooth transition all around! She definitely needs 2 snacks and 3 solid meals and loves water. We're still giving her semi-pureed food and introducing more whole foods to her. She's kind of picky with what she'll have in its original form, so it's been lots of trial and error.

Sleep: Paige usually wakes between 6:30-7am. First nap is around 8:30am. And little by little we've been shortening her morning nap and we only let her go for about 40 minutes. Then, she takes a good afternoon nap around 1pm, which lasts for 1.5-2 hours. She hasn't really gone past 3pm on her own. And bedtime is about 7/7:15pm. She may not fall asleep till about 7:30pm, but she's content babbling a little and rolling around till then. Still sleeping through the night like a champ and we have enjoyed her sleeping in a little more in the mornings!

- Walking all over the place and fast! Doesn't crawl anymore
- Stands up by self in the middle of the floor
- One more top tooth has popped out and her canines are working their way out as well (total teeth out: 5)
- Has signed 'more' 'all done' and 'please' several times
- When we say "good job" she will usually clap, because we have done that to her a lot - clapped while saying good job
- Shakes hand and head slightly for 'no' when we tell her "no"
- Puts a blanket over my face when I ask her to play peek-a-boo
- Tries to put and/or take off lids on things
- Hands something to you when you ask her to
- Learned to wave bye (she has waved hi for awhile, but to wave bye as well seemed a little confusing for her)

- Favorite books: Maddie the Alaskan Moose and What a Wonderful World (she's the most still when having those books read to her). And likes new books...she's intrigued by the new story
-Finding/eating anything/everything off the floor. The last couple months she'll find the smallest crumb or whatever and want to put it in her mouth. We've been working on that habit...
- Drinking out of a cup with a straw or any cup for that matter
- Has been loving baby dolls way more. She'll hug them and carry them around everywhere
- Absolutely loves being close/held/in the ergo, but also is an adventurer

- The Nose Frida. She will kick her legs like you're trying to suck her brains out
- Waiting for food

Additional things I want to remember:
Laughs when other people are laughing hard. Goes after Ellie and says "hhhaaahhh" (kind of sounds like a soft lion roar). Loves playing "tag" with Ellie. Washes things like the bathtub and toys in it, with a washcloth. Or if there is a toy "rag/blanket" around the house she'll rub things with it like she's cleaning. Her squeal cry when she's really upset. How the hair in the top center of her head grows so fast (she needs another bang trim...that will make it the third one she's had). Makes this sound in her throat when she's annoyed with something or starting to get upset - it sounds like an angry throat clearing. Does not listen to the word "no" when she wants to get into the entertainment center (tries to get DVDs out)...she gets really determined sometimes. Cuddles into my chest while she's in the ergo.

(collected photos from several different cameras from her big day)

^ Paige held onto that bow the entire time we opened presents. It's the simple things ; )

^ My mom made that quilt!

^ Ellie wanted to dress up for the special day ; )

She wasn't too sure about her cupcake for awhile. 
Then she started rubbing it on hands like lotion and smashed that thing up good, 
eating bits here and there!...

^ I asked myself at the end, why did I even bother with those straps?!?

^ Day after party, on her actual birthday!!!

We had a wonderful time celebrating our Paige with some friends and family!

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