Tuesday, July 2, 2019

June photo favorites

Splash pad and park fun

^ During quiet time Ellie set up a campfire...and don't mind the naked babies, ha. 
(And don't worry, that potty chair is completely clean and hasn't been used in a couple years!)

Ellie made this train all by herself, trying to duplicate the picture below. She did great!

These girls have been LOVING summer and all the water activities. We are outside at any time/day when the weather is warm. 

Below are pictures from our ice cream date with best friend Lily and her mom Shaina 
(one of the fun gifts from Paige's birthday)...and we went to a playground nearby after!...

^ Love this photo of these best friends!

^ What you can't hear: Paige saying "cheeeesssee!"

^ Something else you can't hear: Ellie giving the little girls instructions on how to climb up the tunnel. Neither Paige nor Lily could really hear or understand all Ellie was saying, but it was so cute hearing her try to help them. 

These were taken on two different days (picture above and one below). Ellie has been into wearing my lip gloss and then she proceeds to want to look at herself in my phone camera/mirror. And then, she takes a photo of herself feeling fancy. 

^ This skirt caught Ellie's eye one day when we were clothes shopping. She takes it off the hanger and slips it on over her clothes and poses like this for a photo. (We didn't get the skirt.)

^ Me just trying to get a photo of us girls when they were both cuddling with me, but of course, they didn't want their picture taken! 

^ During the last week of June our church encouraged people to do service projects; Impact week (I love our church for many reasons and this is something that adds to that love). Our life group met up at a park with surrounding hiking trails and cleaned the area of its trash. We got the kids involved and prayed at the end. Just a small way you can do something for our city. 

^ We rescued some ducklings from a storm drain! Us girls were on a walk and as we came upon a storm drain I could hear a little terrified chirp. We looked down and saw 2 hanging out. A little later when Steven got home we checked them out again and realized there were 3 altogether. Eventually, a neighbor came by and told us there was a mom with ducklings behind the houses we were by. So after we got the first one, I took it to the mom. We weren't sure if it was THE mom, and hoped it would take it. Though after we got the other 2, we didn't know if we should also put them with the others (because the mom was ignoring the first one we put back). Steven called a bird rescue place and they said we could try putting them together, but there are no "for sures" (like if it is the mom and if it would take it in). The rescue place though would for sure take care of them, and we decided to do that. I feel bad for the one we did put in the water with a mom and wished we had kept the 3 together, but we couldn't get him back. We are hoping for the best for all of them and it was an exciting thing for Ellie to be a part of. She also sang to them and tried to comfort them - it was sweet. And whew that was tough work though. 

^ These are "headphones" made by Ellie all by herself. 

^ We took the girls to see Toy Story 4. Ellie enjoyed it, but Paige got a little restless during the last 15 or so minutes. It was the first time we had taken Paige to the theater (aside from when we took her when she was basically a newborn). 

You can't really tell in the photo above, but up on the top of the hill is a cross and it's called Table Rock. Me and a few other new and old friends hiked up there together, which I had never done before; I have just always driven up there or only walked the road. And the picture below is a view from the top!

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