We've been trying to have more consistent one on one time with each of the girls, switching off who goes with who. Paige has kept saying she misses Ellie and whatever parent she isn't with; she's just so used to doing things all together as a family! But we are grateful for the special quality time we're having with them.
Ellie creations above and below.
While we were having a play date with some friends Ellie wanted to have them all sit on the above bench for a cute photo. Well, the sun was pretty darn bright and she couldn't open her eyes and the other girls weren't fans either. So since Ellie was determined to get a good photo with her looking and the other girls looking happy, she set the chairs up in the photo below for a better one. Success!
^ Celebrated National Ice Cream day by going to a local ice cream shop! This a tradition I want to implement each year, and I think the girls approve ; )
We've been exploring SO MUCH this summer. We love the fact that there are many trails and places to go. Living in a city with a river running through it makes for many memory-making moments, too. I lived near a river growing up and I cherish the memories I have.
We took a day trip to a nearby city, Twin Falls!
Shoshone Falls are one of the largest waterfalls in the United States surpassing the height of Niagra Falls. It's a beautiful landmark and we had a nice time getting away just our fam.
^ We skipped Paige's nap and she fell asleep for a little bit on the way home. This hasn't happened since she was a baby and I had to snap a sleeping babe photo.
12 years of marriage!
We pose with something that corresponds with the year we're celebrating.
(12 on the clock.)
To celebrate we rode scooters on a pathway near the river, took a little walk, and had a yummy dinner/dessert downtown. The girls were having a grand time with their babysitter and made us an anniversary banner and picture for us (second picture down).

^ Ellie secretly snapped this photo after the girls came into our room one morning. It's blurry, though it's a memory I want to remember some of our mornings.
Ellie started her Kindergarten year doing virtual school. She was excited but mostly nervous for this year - a new school and no friends (yet). At breakfast the first day she asked to pray and during the prayer, she said, "God, help me to not be so nervous for school." My mama heart just melted and I teared up. She has such a sweet heart and we've been praying hard for her. In a way, we are glad we can be right beside her to help settle some nerves as she adjusts to all these new things. She wanted to hold my hand on the first day which was special.
The picture on the right below is one example of some important things her teacher is teaching them...
It says, "What I am"...thoughtful, helpful, kind, important, smart, brave, special, proud, strong, musical, friendly.' Teachers, parents, and kids are having to adjust to a strange school year, but we are very grateful for how things have gone so far, for Ellie's teacher, and how wonderful she has been!
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