Wednesday, March 3, 2021

January + February photo favorites

 There haven't been too many photos taken the last couple of months and the majority of that small amount are photos of our new kittens - a BIG highlight since we got them in January... 

Some snow and sledding fun!

Okay, now you're going to get some kitten spam! Some backstory first though...So ever since Steven and I got married (12 years ago) we knew we wanted to own a cat at some point. With our living situation(s) for a while, then moving states, then having kids we decided to wait. This last year Ellie has reeeaallly wanted a cat. Well, at the end of 2020 we started to seriously talk about adopting a kitten. After Steven made some phone calls, we realized adopting two kittens would be in the best interest of the cat. And shortly after that, we came across these two gray sister kitties and my heart melted for them. They are basically identical and the only real way of telling them apart is if you look right at their face; their eyes are different. We ended up getting them collars so it was easier to know who is who! In the photo below, the one on the left is Luna (light yellow floral collar) and the one on the right is Jules (green floral collar). Also, they sleep together 95% of the time in the sweetest ways and Ellie takes pictures of them often! Luna has warmed up to us the fastest, cuddling next to us or in our laps every day. Jules enjoys being pet and follows us around a lot, but does prefer her space more. We have loved watching them grow with our family!

^ Luna

^ They are literally asleep like this!

^ Paige is "reading" to them.

^ Steven had been somewhere when we walked to the park and when we were walking back home he met us. And race home ensued!

^ Cupcake and photo by Ellie.


^ And then the weather turned beautiful and biking practice has begun! 

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