This week marks 16 and I am still doing good. Baby is the size of an avocado (4-5 inches long and 3-5 oz). I have a little pooch that you most likely noticed in my
15 week post and I am still sporting it now. If you didn't know me and were just looking at me you might think I ate a bit too much and/or was just bloated, but it is definitely a hard little belly. My energy level has increased and we try to go on walks and hikes often, though the gym has only seen me once since we've moved. I do get a nap in about once a day and boy are those nice! Plus, with not working I have tons of time to do whatever I want or need to do. Eating often and much is still high on my priority list, ha, and will probably continue to be as such. I need to eat every 2-3 hours, which was how I was before I got pregnant, but now the hunger comes on stronger and faster. Thankfully I'm gaining weight as I should and it's not getting out of control with all my eating!
Today I had an OB appointment and I am happy with the office I chose. Everything went great, talked through a bunch of stuff again. Had another doppler and ultrasound! Baby's heartbeat is still going strong at 155 bpm and is a mover (from what the NP and technician said)! I'm not feeling it yet, but hopefully in a few weeks I will! At one point it was sucking its thumb and then was waving its whole arm a few times-that was cool! The ultrasound technician tried to see if she could take a guess on the gender and at the moment they are guessing GIRL, but at my next appointment they will scan again and will have a better prediction (if the baby cooperates of course)!
Here's a profile shot!
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