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She is always moving those legs of hers! |
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She loves sucking on her hands |
Size: Size 1 diapers, but very close to size 2. She's in 0-3, 3 AND some 3-6 clothes; depending on the brand. I finally stashed away her newborn clothes and it made me sad. Ellie is still so little, but big at the same time. At her 2 month wellness check she was 10 pounds 14 ounces and 22.2" long. So she's on the petite side, growing on her own little curve and that's all that matters.
Eyes: They were dark brown at birth and have transitioned to a deep blue. We shall see if they change in the coming months or not. Steven has hazel eyes and I have dark brown...
Hair: As you have seen she was blessed with a full head of dark brown hair at birth - that was a shocker! It's still coming in well, but she has a thin spot on the back from being on her back. She's a big time mover during the night; moving down her crib (don't know how she scoots down from one end to the other during the night) and moves her head back and fourth in her sleep lots. It is coming in a little lighter so it kind of looks ombre when you hold it out. Wonder if we'll have a blonde haired, blue eyed girl on our hands?
Sleeping: Nothing has been set in stone yet for a schedule, but this is kind of how it's going...on average she wakes around 8am. Her morning nap is pretty predictable around 10am and ranges in length. Her afternoon nap(s) are all over the place, at an unpredictable time and length. She usually gets tired for the night around 7:30pm and has her last feeding around then. Then when she actually goes down, and stays down, for the night varies, too...on average 9pm though. For the last month or so she stays alseep 8+ hours! Some nights she randomly wakes up and is hungry and boy does that mess me up the rest of the day-my body is not use to that anymore! I'm waiting for her to set her own schedule, as I've been told most babies do, and she is little by little. I however look forward to the day it's more set in stone!
Eating: She has been breastfed from day one and thankfully it's still going well. Her appetite is every 2.5/3 hours. A few weeks ago we introduced the bottle (with breast milk in it) and she took it like a champ!! We were totally prepared for her to fight it, but she takes it from both of us great! Pumping is not my fav, but the bottle comes in handy sometimes and we try to keep her interested in it a few times a week.
- Grabs and holds toys sometimes and brings them to her mouth to chomp on
- Still coos, babbles and smiles often - all so cute!
- Several weeks ago she laughed! But we have not been able to make it come out again. She does let out a noise when she's smiling big and thinks something is funny. I look forward to hearing that full on giggle again and it's my goal every day to get it!
- Sits up pretty well against you when you're sitting and holding her for stability
- Taking the bottle
- Lasts more than 10 minutes for tummy time (she did not like it before and would barely last 5 minutes) and she has been holding her head up well and high for a couple months now. She even goes up on her hands sometimes and kind of turns herself trying to move/crawl
- Rolling over from tummy to back! It has happened a handful of times now!
- Her hands being clapped (mostly like a fist pound since she likes to clench her hands still). And she likes sucking on her hands as well
- Being held close and also being held looking out; she takes everything in around her
- Seeing mom dance (she probably thinks I'm a dork, but hey, seeing that smile spread across her face melts my heart and I will act like a fool any time to see it)
- Eating! She would probably eat forever if I let her
- Toys that make noise
- Watching daddy use the electric shaver; she's enthralled with that
- The blow dryer - she likes watching me use it (likes watching me do my hair in general) and it can calm her down if she's fussy
- Being put down to get her diaper and clothes changed when she's already a little fussy
- Staying in her bouncer chair for very long, especially if you stop paying attention to her
- Being held by guys other than daddy, but she is getting better about this one
- Being tired, and she fights sleep sometimes, silly girl
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