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Doing her crunches! |
Size: Ellie is 12.19 lbs and 24.5" long. Size 2 diapers. She's still in a couple 0-3 pieces of clothes, then 3 month, 3-6 month AND some 6 month clothes. Crazy how brands can vary in size so much!
Eyes: They are still a deep blue, but there might be some faint brown trying to come through...she may get hazel eyes after all like her daddy. (Supposedly they can change up until 6 months, so I'll keep this in here for awhile.)
Hair: As you can see she still has a head FULL of hair and it's only getting longer! The doctor thought she might lose some these past couple months, but nope. However, her bald spot on the back is still there and seems a little emphasized since the rest of her hair is getting longer, poor girl. Wearing headbands gets looking a little crazy, so hair clips are the go to now.
Sleeping: Whatever day schedule/routine that was forming went out the window this past month. There have been a few days were she refused to go down for a nap (even though she was tired) and then other days (not many though) where she'll take three naps. One nap is the usual, maybe two. When she does go down, they last for around an hour, some days they will last a few hours. One thing that I'm very grateful for amongst all this is how she sleeps at night. She will still be down at the latest most nights by 9pm and won't officially get up till between 7-9am (she'll wake up once during the night to eat). It won't matter how she napped during the day, that's how the night will go. I'm very grateful for her night sleep since a lot of 4 month olds are waking up several times during the night. We'll see if she regresses though...I hear there's a 4 month sleep regression that tends to happen...
Eating: She is still exclusively on breast milk. And pretty much right after her 3 month birthday Ellie started wanting to eat every 2-2.5 hours (she'll go longer if she's taking a nap). The doctor said I could start feeding her every 1.5 hours if she seems like she could eat again. That's to do with her being so tiny. I already felt like I was on high demand, so here we go being more so. Oh well, I want to do what I need to do for my baby girl!
New ones:
- Giggles! We were so thrilled to hear that again. She had given us a couple giggles one night a looonng time ago, and decided to hold out on more giggles till a week or so ago.
- On her 4 month birthday (right after I took the photos above) Ellie rolled from back to tummy!!! I was shocked even though I knew she'd been trying to do it for weeks. Now she is constantly rolling from back to tummy and then tummy to back. Very proud of her!
- Grabbing her toes
Old ones:
- Grabs and holds toys sometimes and brings them to her mouth to chomp on
- Coos, babbles and smiles often - all so cute!
- Sits up pretty well against you when you're sitting and holding her for stability
- Taking the bottle
- Lasts more than 10 minutes for tummy time (she did not like it before and would barely last 5 minutes) and she has been holding her head up well and high for a couple months now. She even goes up on her hands sometimes and kind of turns herself trying to move/crawl
- Rolling over from tummy to back
New ones:
New ones:
- Watching other little kids
- Stroller rides and just being outside in general
- Looking in the mirror. She gets pretty smiley and you can tell she's trying to figure out how I'm in the mirror and holding her at the same time
- Bath time! This was one thing she did not like before, but over the last couple months she has warmed up to it (pun intended) and is intrigued by the water
- Grabbing hair...but of course who ever is getting their hair pulled doesn't like it!
- Crunching up/trying to roll during diaper changes and that makes it hard for us! ha
Old Ones:
- Her hands being clapped (mostly like a fist pound since she likes to clench her hands still). And she likes sucking on her hands as well
- Standing. She pushes up often when you're holding her in your lap
- Being held and also being held looking out; she takes everything in around her
- Seeing us dance (she probably thinks we're dork, but hey, seeing that smile spread across her face melts my heart and I will act like a fool any time to see it)
- Eating!
- Toys that make noise
- Watching daddy use the electric shaver; she's enthralled with that
- The blow dryer - she likes watching me use it (likes watching me do my hair in general) and it can calm her down if she's fussy
New ones:
- Getting her nose wiped...she got a cold a couple weeks ago, poor girl
- Me leaving the room to grab something before I feed her
- Not being able to crawl yet. She moves her legs, feet, arms and body attempting to crawl, but gets frustrated since those limbs aren't working together and moving her completely (she kind of moves in a little circle sometimes though)
Old ones:
- Being put down to get her diaper and clothes changed when she's already a little fussy
- Staying in her bouncer chair for very long, especially if you stop paying attention to her
- Being tired, and she fights sleep sometimes, silly girl
I could be forgetting some things but I tried to think and keep track of her milestones and likes/dislikes! We love seeing her personality grow! Thank you Ellie for bringing us such joy!
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