Friday, February 17, 2017

Ellie's 2 year update

 ^^ this one was just of her blinking (obviously), but it totally could be mid eye roll, 
like "Really mom?? Enough pictures already!" haha

I am usually so on it with these posts, but for some reason or another this one kept getting pushed farther and farther out. Our girl turned 2 on February 5th and it has been amazing to see her growth in so many ways this past year. She melts our hearts and we are extremely blessed to call her ours. (I could write more paragraphs than I have below, all about how she has touched our lives...)

Size: 34.3" (62%) and 27.5 pounds (62%). Wearing 2T-4T clothes and size 7 shoe. She is looking taller and taller - clearly she's growing, but since calling her "big girl" more often, she really is looking like, and acting like, a for real toddler. My arms can definitely feel her growth as well - I can't hold her as long anymore!

Hair: Auburn and holding strong. I still have yet to cut it, too. It's growing out well, but no matter how I do it, it pretty much always falls out and gets in her face.

Sleeping: She's holding on to her nap so nicely, with the exception of early waking every once in awhile. On average she still does 12:45 - 3:15pm. And then falls asleep around 8:30pm and stays down till around 7/7:30am. With nap she falls asleep super fast, but at bedtime it takes her a bit to wind down (we put her in crib around 7:45, but like I wrote above, doesn't fall asleep till around 8:30pm). Even if we wait longer to put her down, it still seems to take her awhile to settle down. So we feel like no matter what, we may as well keep her bedtime the same (earlier than later). She still only sleeps with one blanket and doesn't even need it for comfort or warmth; it ends up across crib more than half the time. She sucks on her right hand middle and ring finger though for that comfort still when tired.

^^ a scene I walked into after she was done with nap

Eating: She's kind of a picky eater, because more than not, she won't try new foods. We try our hardest to entice her with new things, it just doesn't always work. Her fave foods are chicken nuggets, quesadillas, lasagna, mac & cheese, yogurt and pretty much any smoothie and fruit. She has 3 meals, with 1-2 snacks. Girl loves her milk, always has, so we limit it and have now switched from whole milk to 2% and she doesn't show the slightest care. (We switched because she's growing great and doesn't need that extra fat, especially now that she's 2.) In that mouth of hers there are 13 teeth, with a couple more showing signs of trying to pop through.

-Potty trained. We started the training process December 26th (she was almost 23 months) and it has been going wonderfully, with a few regression times. She does wear pull-ups (which we call "sleep underwear") during nap and at night. And pooping is still a tricky thing to get her to do on the potty and not in her sleep underwear.
-Counts..."1, 2, 3, (skips 4 pretty much every single time) 5, 6," pauses, and we have to say 7 sometimes, but she goes on to say "8,9,10" and sometimes she adds 11 on the end!
-Alphabet..."a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, x, y, z!" e-i is a little different sometimes, missing letters here and there or mixing them up a bit. She can also identity 10-15 letters
-Saying up to 6 word phrases/sentences. She shocks us a lot with how much she says in sentence form.
-Knows all body parts
-Knows colors and some shapes are usually right on the money... heart, circle, square...

-Babies. She is constantly wanting to give her babies a bath, cuddle them, feed them, dance with them, dress and undress them, even have them sit in her lap - while she sits in your lap - with a blanket on all of you - and have you read to the both of them
-TV show Sofia the First. Right when she turned 2 we let her watch an episode of a show a day, if she asks.
-Story time before nap and bedtime (that cuddle/story time is some of my favorite time with her, too)
-Being chased by us, friends and other kids (mostly the running around together with other kids)
-Asks "this one?" (like as in what is this/who is this) or "what's this called?" all the time. Wants to learn so much
-"Slides" with the couch cushions and tunnels/forts with furniture and blankets

- Dr. office. She has cried and clung to us the last several times we've gone in. We do our best to ease her uneasiness, but she just gets so upset when the doctor does their normal checks. It may not help that she has gotten a shot or two the last several times, it's a different provider the last handful of times (her original doctor was out of town, she is changing specialties and the office just recently got a full time person to replace her) and the appointments are far and few in between. Awhile ago we got her a little doctor kit to play with at home, to help familiarize her with the different items and checks, we show her a picture of the doctor and talk about them before we go, etc but it doesn't seem to help one bit once we are there.

Things to remember:
Said, "I love dancing so much". How she says "yeeaahh" with a slight tilt of her head. When we go into her room when nap is done or when she wakes in morning, says "all done sleepin". Replaces 't' with a 'p' sound often, so spoon, is 'stoon', and spot is 'stot' and speaker is 'steaker'...but only if that letter is in a word, so 'pot' and 'picture' sound normal, since they start with a 'p'. Sings "happy birphday day tooo yooouu!!" randomly throughout the day. When asked how old she is says, "turned 2". Has combined the phrases 'funny girl' and 'silly goose' to 'funny goose'

Birthday morning above (she was sooo excited to see the presents and the balloons) and her birthday party below. This year she was able to open (most of) her presents on her own and got more excited about things. 
I decided to do a low key animal birthday party for her...she has fun going through the animal noises when you ask her what animal makes what noise. And I did make a cute '2nd BIRTHDAY' sign, but I didn't get a pic of it...oh well. She had a great time being with friends and even though she won't remember this birthday, we loved celebrating her. 

^^ beautiful cake made by one of our friends (she made Ellie's cake last year, too!).
Thank you Danika!!

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