Thursday, February 2, 2017

23 weeks

How far along?: 23 weeks! This is the last month in my second trimester and the start of month 6. So amazing we are more than half way through and I am definitely showing more than in my last update (19 weeks).

Movement: Baby girl moves every day, but most of it has been internal - Steven hasn't felt the baby move, yet. She gets the hiccups fairly often still as well. Ellie would get them a ton. The movement constantly makes me grateful for this little life growing inside me.

Total weight gain/loss: I have now gained 5 pounds all together. At my next OB appointment I'm going to ask them to look up my weight at this point when I was pregnant with Ellie. I know for sure I had gained more than this by now, but I have no idea how much...I'm very curious. Don't know how I've gotten this lucky in the weight department because I'm not eating any different than before and I haven't actually worked out. Though, like I said before, having an almost 2 year old keeps me pretty busy and she loves being held, so holding almost 30 pounds worth off and on throughout day is probably helpful ; )

Maternity clothes: 3 out of the 4 pairs of jeans/pants I could wear pre-pregnancy still fit (button still being used). There is one though that's almost uncomfortable, so it probably won't be too much longer and that ratio is going to be 2 out of 4 pairs. More of my normal shirts are getting pushed to their max in the chest and belly region and a few more maternity shirts have made an appearance. I did get two pairs of maternity jeans when I was pregnant with Ellie, but they are still too big for me to wear at this point.

Currently craving: Coffee, ice cream and pizza. I have always loved those things, however I want them more than before!

Anything make you sick or queasy?: I can't think of anything in addition to left over food in containers...

Belly button in or out?: It's mainly flush to my belly, but sometimes it pokes out a little.

Stretch marks?: There may be a couple new ones...I am trying to be diligent with staying hydrated throughout the day and putting lotion on several times a day.

Sleep: I have been forgetting to mention Steven got me a snoogle pregnancy pillow for Christmas and  it's been amazing. It can be so annoying using several pillows to prop and support different areas, and this is helpful in getting comfy faster and easier! My bedtime has seemed to get earlier...before we would try to be in bed by 10:30 pm and now I am usually really tired by 9:30 pm. And I'll be passed out quite fast. Even if I have to get up to use the restroom a time or two during the night, I can fall right back asleep just fine as well. I do get tired around 2:30/3 pm, but Ellie wakes from nap around 3/3:30, so I haven't been napping like I use to.

Feeling: This pregnancy still seems surreal to us most of the time because we are busy taking care of the house and Ellie. When I really think about how it will be later this year, I know it's going to be such a different life. We are really looking forward to the new addition, but also want to savor these last months as a family of 3. Steven and I also want to try and get in plenty of date nights...maybe even some type of "babymoon". Thankfully we still have amazing people to watch Ellie, while Steven and I get a night to ourselves (at least once a month)!

Working on/Thinking about: The nursery! I have gotten a few pieces already and am constantly scouting out more items I want to add. It's nice that we have the space to keep the girls in separate rooms and it makes it even more fun for me to have the chance to decorate another nursery.
And I am always thinking about working out, but I haven't made it an effort at day!

Favorite moment from this week: Nothing has really topped off finding the gender a few weeks ago! Although I did order a set of newborn headbands from a shop called Simple June and I about died when I opened them. They are smaller than any newborn headband I had for Ellie and the thought of holding such a tiny person again made me melt.

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