First big snowfall of winter while daddy was at work.
Paige wasn't too sure for the majority of the time, but Ellie had great fun making snowballs and helping make a snowman!
^ This girl turned 18 months! Sugar and spice for sure.
^ Ellie loved helping plug in the mantle and Christmas tree lights, pretty much every day. And several times throughout the day you could spot her just admiring all those pretty lights and ornaments. She did help decorate the tree, finding the "perfect spot" for them (usually on the same branch as another ornament). This year you could see her joy even more and heard impatience for Christmas day until Christmas Eve. Having little ones really does make this holiday even more magical.
^ I got to have one on one time with Ellie after her morning at school. We went out to lunch (she picked McDonald's), shopped and saw the movie Smallfoot at the dollar theater.
^ Always trying on boots and she found a new fun little "chair" in a toy stroller.
^ I wish you could hear the sounds Ellie was making while lifting these weights. Hilarious!
^ While daddy was at work we hit up the mall. Ellie always wants to get a treat-which usually entails a drink from somewhere and a pretzel with cheese.
^ You can spot Ellie dressed up as a ballerina often and now she likes to have Paige dress up, too. Ellie likes to pick out both of their outfits!
^ After watching a Daniel Tiger episode where they were emphasizing 'rest is best', Ellie got a tray of food and drink ready she wanted me to serve her as she rested on the couch.
^ Baby wearing
^ Paige also likes to be pushed around as she sits in the toy stroller.
Ellie was intentionally making a silly face.
^ During our life group, Paige grabbed this container I cleaned up and let the girls play with and put it on like this herself. She wore it on her head for an impressive amount of time.
^ Post morning snuggles on her chair looking at a book - something she initiates and wants to do fairly often.
^ Paige was intrigued by the Christmas presents ever since I put them out and one afternoon she started to unwrap one!
^ I neglected to get a group shot of us couples/kids during our annual Friends Christmas party, but I did snap this post unwrapping of presents picture. We love the time we get to celebrate with these friends!
^ Proud mommy moment. Ellie was picked to be Mary for a part of her school Christmas program. My heart melted as she walked up on stage and sat so bravely and proudly.
^ I got to go to Ellie's school Christmas party and this was during their gift exchange. She got a notebook, pencils, and erasers - great presents for her! And they got to wear pajamas to school, which Ellie thought was funny!
^ "Reading" a book to her baby.
^ I'm so glad the girls enjoy story time right before bed (and nap time). On the days Steven works, I read to the girls together, in the same chair (Ellie to my side and Paige in my lap) and I will be sad when they are too big to do this.
^ Paige and Ellie checking out their new presents from family.
^ Selfie by Ellie on my phone.
^ Paige was playing with my hair, putting it in my face and then "fixing" it and she thought it was so funny!
^ I love the progression of these photos.
Wanted to get a cute photo of the girls together before they opened presents, but Paige wasn't interested in holding still.
^ Ellie had been asking for a dollhouse for Christmas, for months. She and Paige have been loving it.
^ Got the game Zingo! from my mother in law and Ellie often wants to play it!
^ Christmas Eve at church!
^ Christmas morning - opening stockings!
Paige's bestie Lily turned ONE!
^ Often after Paige wakes up, she snuggles with her blanket in her lap.
^ Kicked off the morning of my 31st year with these dear friends (+ their husbands, their littles, my wonderful husband and girls). Had brunch (which Steven made!!) and hung out. Great time!
^ It cracks us up when Ellie wants to help clean the shopping carts. She goes all the way down to the bottom almost every time, even though we tell her we only need to clean what we'll be touching.
Library time.
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