I may have mentioned this before, but Ellie has been loving to match Paige (and/or me).
She loves to point out to Paige, "Look Paige! We're matching, we're matching!!"
^ (Pretty much every picture of Paige these days is blurry.) Other than the blur, I wanted to capture this moment. Ellie had initiated Paige putting on the leotard and the tutu over her pajamas. Then, Paige went on to put Ellie's snow boots on. The outfit was on point ; )
We were gifted time at the Discovery Center in our town and the girls had fun playing and exploring!
^ One time after the girls went down the slide together Ellie said "Weee, that was terrific!"
I know this wasn't the safest tower to make, but while Paige was helping unload the groceries, she proceeded to build this tower on her own. In the picture below she was saying "Wow!"
I was pretty impressed as well!
^ Here's your monthly dose of Ellie posing with Bullseye the Target dog! Ha
^ One night I got away with some girlfriends to The Springs. It has natural hot spring pools and we made a nice night of it!
^ Paige is always getting our shoes on and Ellie was helping put these on all the way.
Another outfit on point!
^ Ellie had decorated a face which was on a popsicle stick (either from school or Sunday School). Later she traced it on another piece of paper, drew this face, added the eyes and asked me to write Steven's name on it. I love seeing her artistic side.
^ Ellie got ahold of my phone (again) and asked Steven and me to make a face. This is what she got!
^ Cinderella shoes, dad's vest, and that pose!
^ Ellie had a mild cold, runny nose and cough for a couple days, but the morning of the third day she was complaining about her ear hurting (all brought up by her, I hadn't even said or asked anything about her ear). Then that turned into crying in pain (she's never done that before). I was able to get her into the doctor that morning and sure enough, she had an ear infection - her first one ever (that we've known of). She fell asleep on the way home around 11am and she had gotten fine sleep the previous night/morning, and this was very out of the ordinary for her. Poor girl!
^ On the second day of Ellie having an ear infection she asked me to cuddle with her on the couch, while she watched. You bet I did!
^ Another blurry picture of Paige, but I had to document this. She had grabbed pants from her dresser and got them on ALL by herself (she's hiking them up as seen here, haha)!
^ Out of nowhere, Ellie has been making her bed after she gets up the morning. And she places whatever she slept with on her pillow. We (usually) make our bed, but I have never asked her to make hers. I did the same thing when I was little (make the bed without any prompting) and have all the way up into adulthood.
^ Literal nose ring put on by Ellie.
^ Ellie will randomly sit on a store shelf, posing with or without something, and ask for her picture to be taken. So silly!
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