Tuesday, April 2, 2019

March photo favorites

^ Ellie started dance class! She loved it so much last year that she wanted to do it again! I grew up dancing and seeing her love it fills me with joy. 

^ Steven is the king of fort making and Ellie wants one built all the time. I can't blame her, but when she asks for one when he's not home, I can't compete! 

^ One morning Ellie initiated getting napkins for all of us, folded them and put them under the utensils. 

^ Paige got all excited seeing this HUGE stuffed bear and she wanted to give it a hug. 

I love seeing these girls friendship grow. They get so happy when they see each other and have initiated giving each other hugs and kisses now! 

^ Ellie can't wait for summer and water activities. When we were trying swimsuits on her one day she was so giddy. Believe me, girl, I'm excited, too! 

^ "Look mom, it fits (Paige's overall skirt)!!" - Ellie (Haha, not exactly!)

^ Watching big sister in dance class. 

^ Steven was pretending to take Ellie's x-ray. He would flash the light (turn it on and off) and already have a corresponding x-ray photo of the area he took a "photo" of,  pulled up on his phone from the internet. Not sure if Ellie knows it's not the real deal happening?! (And if you don't know, Steven is an x-ray technologist.)

The girls and Steven got the flu and thank the Lord I just got a bad cold. Sickness was in our house for 2 weeks and it was exhausting. It could have been a lot worse, but it still wore us out good. When there was more playing and walks to be had, we were very happy! 

^ We've been getting out in our backyard so much the last couple weeks and we love it!

^ I just had to post this photo because Paige's face is priceless. 
She was (obviously) not wanting her picture taken. 

^ Ellie could seriously eat at McDonald's every day if we let her. 

^ We finally got Paige sunglasses and she's been doing well with keeping them on. When we went grocery shopping the other day she did not want me to take them off. She wanted to wear them the whole shopping trip - it was hilarious! 

^ Last summer we got Ellie this strider bike and even though she would initiate riding it, she would only last a few minutes and then would want to be done. Plus, she had such a hard time steering and striding at the same time. Last week she asked to ride it since the weather has been nice and she's been doing so great! And, she's been wanting to do it often! 

^ Paige and those sunglasses kill me. Love it! And these two holding hands - melt my heart!

Ellie is in a superhero phase right now and has loved getting a scarf tied on as a cape. She also asked me to cut out a mask she could decorate and wear (photo below). 

^ Monthly dose of a selfie by Ellie. She's been working on her duck face. 

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