This girl LOVES trying sunglasses on!
^ Paige wanted me to put this baby in her crib and put her blanket on it. Something not captured, her patting it and shushing it.
^ Paige could sit in front of the window and watch/wait for squirrels and our neighborhood cats that roam our yard all day long. And she has been wanting to be held and cuddles more often lately. (Just some moments/facts I want to remember.)
^ Steven snapped this photo one night after Ellie fell asleep.
And don't worry, he did help her back "into" bed after.
^ Feeding a baby some yummy food, according to her ; )
^ I could not not capture these moments of Ellie dolling herself up with her play vanity set after she got all dressed up in this Elsa costume.
^ Just doing some exercises. No big deal.
^ I was able to get away for our churches first Women's Retreat in a nearby city.
It was a wonderful weekend.
^ Paige has been obsessed with this Mouse Cookies and More compilation book. She will want us to either read them over and over or just sit with her as she flips through the pages.
We all went to one of the trampoline parks in town and the girls (and Steven) really enjoyed it.
^ Aftermath of a blue sucker.
^ Hiking season is here!
Steven, Paige and I enjoy it...Ellie, on the other hand, could pretty much take it or leave it.
^ Ellie was "reading" to Paige. They aren't always sweet with each other, but it is so special when they have moments like this.
Ellie wanted to match with Paige in all the ways they could this day.
And look at that sweet face Paige is giving Ellie in the photo below.
Easter morning photos below...
^ Paige wanted in on the snacks right away and Ellie wanted to try her suit on right away.
Happy girls!
^ We went to a friends house later Easter day and it was a very special time. There was yummy food, a great egg hunt for the kids (and gift card hunt for the adults!!) and fun activities. We miss family, especially on days like this, but are so thankful for the ways we are shown love here.
^ Giving dad an airplane ride! HAHA
^ I still can't get over how often Paige crosses her ankles. I think it's so cute!
^ And then she has the most dramatic reactions. This was after I told her she couldn't drink anymore out of my sparkling water can.
^ Selfie by Ellie.
Ellie wanted to have a tea party outside. Done!
^ Ellie has been using her Strider bike fairly often (we'll be getting her a bike with training wheels this summer!) and Paige has been very intrigued by it. So we let her use it and she was doing pretty good and was very happy.
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