Tuesday, December 16, 2014
32 weeks
Had my bi weekly Dr. appointment this morning; weight gain is still going as it should (but I would kind of like it to stop...haha...though I know baby girl needs to gain a few more pounds), and speaking of baby girl, she is measuring well and her heartbeat was in the 140s today (love the sound of her heart beating away!!!!). At my last appointment she was head down and butt up, getting ready for the delivery position! Today they didn't see where she was at, but she's probably in the same spot. She's been getting the hiccups more often and I can feel them down lower. I'm getting more cramps and having some contractions here and there, which is all normal. It just means my body is getting ready for the big day.
Her movements have been craazzyy strong! Sometimes her punches/kicks/elbows hit hard and my belly jerks to the side/out, hits the bed and makes it move, and bounces my book or computer near by. It cracks me up every time! I want to get a video of it but of course she stops doing it when I'm ready! One day-hopefully!
Realizing her due date is coming around the corner makes me kind of freak out with all the little things I want/need to do to get ready. Trying not to stress though because I know that doesn't help, nor is it good for me or the baby (or even Steven for that matter-he doesn't want to deal with psycho lady over here). But I want to be all set and prepped for the delivery and bringing this little girl home!
Our birthing classes are going good. We are almost done with one of them (Childbirth Prep-it's one day a week, for 4 weeks), finished one called Baby Care Basics and tonight we have one on breastfeeding. Steven has been great support, still going to everyone with me. Some of the info we already knew and some has been brand new. It has me thinking a lot more about what I would like to try and maybe try to avoid during labor and delivery. I'm in major prayer about how it will all play out for me, baby girl and also Steven. Thankfully I'm not feeling anxious or worried, but I just want to have peace towards anything that will happen (how it will feel, too) and have a good head on about the choices we make throughout it all.
I love this time of year with the Christmas trees going up, the lights, sweater and scarf weather, baked goods baking in the oven (of course I had to mention food!) and my favorite holiday; CHRISTMAS...and then my birthday shortly after! Next year we will have a little one who we will start new traditions with and share in the joy! Oh how I have so much excitement bursting within!
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
30 weeks
Wow, ten weeks left (give or take)! Eeeeekkkk!
This morning I had my usual check up appointment which is every two weeks. I'm still gaining weight little by little-as recommend, belly is measuring great, baby's heartbeat was at 159 beats per minute, my symptoms are still very minimal, etc! One thing that was interesting though is they changed my due date back to February 6th. Here's the story for the due date...
At my first couple appointments (at my first doctors office in Alaska) they gave me the due date February 5th, then they changed it to the 12th. Well when I moved to Idaho and got my doctor here they questioned why my previous Dr had changed the date. I wasn't sure myself because they kept saying I/baby was measuring where we should be (going off of the 5th). So the office here said oh whatever we will just go with the last date they gave you (the12th). But then at my last couple appointments they have said February 6th. So...it's been a little confusing (and kind of weird), but I'm not too concerned with the exact date because who knows when I will actually deliver. And I won't argue with them going off of a earlier date. It just makes it all the sooner we will be holding our bundle of joy (because they won't let me go much past the 6th for delivery)!
A couple weeks ago I had to do the lovely 1 hour glucose test which screens for gestational diabetes and anemia. Well, I failed the gestational diabetes portion and needed to come back to do the 3 hour one. I felt better than I thought I would thank goodness (you can't have anything except water after midnight before the test, and I didn't eat anything after dinner really, and didn't get food in my system till lunch time the following day-that is a record for me, ha). Then the following day I was told I passed! Whew.
Baby girl is still staying active! Plus, she has gotten the hiccups a couple times and it's an interesting feeling, but I love it-any movement for that matter! Steven and I have started reading a book out loud with each other and when he reads he sits close to my belly so she can get more familiar with his voice. I have read that can help get the baby more familiar with your partner's voice; so I figured it doesn't hurt to do it!
Yesterday we started our childbirth prep classes! All together we are doing three...which may seem a little excessive, but one doesn't cover all the things I would like to go over. Plus, the teacher/leader of the class last night said the three I signed up for are the best ones to do. It makes for a busy December, but it will be great information to have! Plus, Steven is being great support, going to all of them with me!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Thanksgiving Service
During church today they did things a little differently, opening the floor to everyone, giving us the opportunity to share something we have been/are grateful for in honor of Thanksgiving.
It was so touching to hear people share little bits of their personal stories. God can use anything and anyone to make such a difference in our lives. It's so important to look at situations through the eyes of a grateful heart, even when it can be hard at times.
While the service was going on I wanted to share some things I am grateful for...but I was getting choked up just thinking about the things I would say and I didn't want to be a ball of a mess in front of everyone. Well, my husband Steven raised his hand and stood up for the microphone. What he had to say was exactly what was on my heart. He shared that for the last two years it had been our desire to move to Idaho, but due to wanting to save more, find a decent job in the location we wanted to move, etc it didn't happen right away. And then when we were ready to move, things weren't falling into place and a few months passed. It was hard to not get discouraged, but we kept praying for God's will-not ours to show. Then after those few trying months things started falling into place one right after the other and fast! We got pregnant, Steven found a full-time job where we wanted to move to, the moving process went amazing, we found a house right after we moved, etc. Things were going so freakishly well we thought it was too good to be true. But, we were just being blessed with God's plan. We have some great friends here, and it has been great making those stronger. Plus, we were able to get plugged into a life group through our church right away that has been wonderful. The couples we are getting to know have been encouraging and here for us. (I may be missing somethings he said, but that was the gist.)
I loved that Steven shared this and pretty much as soon as he started saying these things I started crying. When he looked at me he was surprised to see the tears streaming down my face (but then in a way he totally wasn't surprised, because hello, it's me!! I did have a smile on my face, too) and then for the first time since we have been together I saw him get a bit choked up himself (which then made me more emotional). We are just so grateful for the ways life has played out, even though there were hard times as well. Those hard times taught us to rely more on God. We always know His plan is great - we just need to be patient and have faith.
It was so touching to hear people share little bits of their personal stories. God can use anything and anyone to make such a difference in our lives. It's so important to look at situations through the eyes of a grateful heart, even when it can be hard at times.
While the service was going on I wanted to share some things I am grateful for...but I was getting choked up just thinking about the things I would say and I didn't want to be a ball of a mess in front of everyone. Well, my husband Steven raised his hand and stood up for the microphone. What he had to say was exactly what was on my heart. He shared that for the last two years it had been our desire to move to Idaho, but due to wanting to save more, find a decent job in the location we wanted to move, etc it didn't happen right away. And then when we were ready to move, things weren't falling into place and a few months passed. It was hard to not get discouraged, but we kept praying for God's will-not ours to show. Then after those few trying months things started falling into place one right after the other and fast! We got pregnant, Steven found a full-time job where we wanted to move to, the moving process went amazing, we found a house right after we moved, etc. Things were going so freakishly well we thought it was too good to be true. But, we were just being blessed with God's plan. We have some great friends here, and it has been great making those stronger. Plus, we were able to get plugged into a life group through our church right away that has been wonderful. The couples we are getting to know have been encouraging and here for us. (I may be missing somethings he said, but that was the gist.)
I loved that Steven shared this and pretty much as soon as he started saying these things I started crying. When he looked at me he was surprised to see the tears streaming down my face (but then in a way he totally wasn't surprised, because hello, it's me!! I did have a smile on my face, too) and then for the first time since we have been together I saw him get a bit choked up himself (which then made me more emotional). We are just so grateful for the ways life has played out, even though there were hard times as well. Those hard times taught us to rely more on God. We always know His plan is great - we just need to be patient and have faith.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
maternity photos
We were blessed by Kris Ryan of Heart & Soul Images for our maternity photos!
It was a crisp fall morning, in a beautiful area and we were able to capture many great photos to look back on. This is such a joyous time and we will love having pictures to remember when this baby was in my belly. We love love them and thank you thank you Kris for helping us remember these moments-can't say it enough!!
I wanted to share some with you (it was hard to not put all of them on here)! Enjoy!
It was a crisp fall morning, in a beautiful area and we were able to capture many great photos to look back on. This is such a joyous time and we will love having pictures to remember when this baby was in my belly. We love love them and thank you thank you Kris for helping us remember these moments-can't say it enough!!
I wanted to share some with you (it was hard to not put all of them on here)! Enjoy!
Steven tried to show off his belly, too, hahaha! Nice try babe!
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
27 weeks

Baby girl seems to be doing well in my belly! Her kicking/punching has gotten a little stronger which I am not complaining about (expect when I have to go to the bathroom and she hits the bladder-yikes!). She should be about 15 inches and a little over 2 pounds...so now she's adding to the weight I'm gaining, hehe. Most of her growth and progression is in her brain, which is beginning to send signals to the rest of her body. Plus, she is now opening and closing her eyes. I love reading the new developments each week!
This last week or so I've been getting tired again and therefore getting a nap in pretty much everyday. And I've been sleeping in a little longer in the mornings. Some nights I can stay up till 12am and other nights I am about to pass out around 7pm. Plus, sometimes it takes me longer to get comfortable. Before, I could lay down and be conked out within minutes which my husband was pretty impressed by, but now I can hear him sound asleep way before me fairly often.
The Monday before last we had our maternity photos! We got to see some of the shots off of the camera, and they look great! We should get them this week and I'll be sharing them with you!
Steven finished painting the nursery, has put the new baseboard on (just needs to be caulked) and blinds up! Almost complete!!! Bit by bit we are getting the bigger items for the nursery as well! The other day when the crib arrived I asked Steven if he saw the box of it, and he replied, "Yes! Want to put it together?!" (Mind you, this was right when he got home around 8:30pm, after working his 12 hour shift.) I of course answered, "Sure! If you're up for it!" I thought it was so sweet and cute. This makes me think about all the other things I will hear him say and see him do before, and especially after, this girl is born.
Two of my girlfriends sent me links (one to a song and one to an article) about parenthood. I've read and heard a lot things, but these two things were especially good this week. (The song is: 'I Get to Be The One' by JJ Heller and the article is: 6 Mommy Secrets Every New Mother Should Know by Ashlee Gadd.) There are so many times when I have mixed emotions about taking on the responsibility of raising a kid...and hopefully another down the road. Since I can remember I have wanted to be a mom and looked forward to the day I would have one with my spouse. Steven and I have been married a little over 6 years and even though it's been wonderful just the two of us, we have wanted to expand our little family. But, I have worries that I will fail at being a mother. I know it will be hard. There will be wonderful days and challenging days. I know that it is the hardest "job" in the world, but also the most rewarding. I know I'm not the only one that feels these insecurities and also the excitement of raising a kid. And even though I have worries I am so thrilled to see love and God and humanity through new eyes that will change us, mold us and make us more aware of how small we are and how big God is (line from the article, it said what I felt so well). It will be good, it will be great and it will be grand!
Some photos from the past couple weeks...
(Bottom left: Halloween-Steven wore scrubs while I wore an x-ray shirt, like he took our photo, Bottom right: at end of 26th week, Bottom middle: bought some 0-3 month clothes for baby girl)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
25 weeks
This week I am going to do a little Q&A that lots of people tend to do for their pregnancy updates and I wanted to mix it up just a little today by doing one...
How far along are you?: 25 weeks and 1 day
Baby is: estimated to be about 9 inches and 1.5 lbs
Obsessing over: getting this little girls room together! Some of it is painted and the decor pieces are coming along!
Favorite moment this week: last week I had my routine appointment and the Dr. said I am the model pregnant lady! My weight gain is going as it should, belly is measuring good (and belly button isn't an outie just yet-getting quite close though), blood pressure is good, I still have ankles-haha, symptoms are very minimal, etc. etc. And this was such a wonderful thing to be told because of some thoughts I'd been struggling with (i.e. see the 'Working on' down below)
Feeling: lots of movement! She mostly moves when I am just sitting or laying down. Steven got to feel her for the first time recently and we were both so happy to share in that!
Working on: not letting the enemy lower my self worth. I have been struggling with body image off and on...feeling round and awkward. Weight is being distributed to lots of places other than just my belly. And even though I know it's okay, I just felt...ugh. I know I am creating a human being, so I am constantly telling myself I'm very grateful for this gift not everyone gets. AND my body is doing amazing things...some things beyond my control-obviously. The enemy like to makes it's way into my thoughts though and try to smash my self esteem. I am being reassured by many around me that I am beautiful and most importantly I know I am.
Thinking about: all the things we would like to get done/have before the baby comes (only about 3 more months-ahhh!). We are constantly crossing off and adding to our 'To-do/To-get' lists
Anticipating: our maternity photos next week! I am pretty much ready for a photo any time, ha, but Steven on the other hand could pass on any photo opportunity. Thankfully he is being a wonderful husband and will take part in this with me (thank you Steven!!).
Currently craving: Chinese and Mexican food. There is a fabulous Chinese restaurant back in Alaska called Pagoda we miss a ton and it will be hard to find anything that compares, but I am on the hunt for anything close!
Wishing: that I could just snap my fingers and everything on our house we want to put up/change would be done!
What are you most looking forward to?: so much! Mostly like I said already, our maternity photos and getting more things done on our house!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
23 weeks
During 22 weeks 23 weeks
Baby girl is about the size of a papaya; 8 inches and 1.2 pounds. I forgot to mention in my 21 week post, baby was weighing 13 ounces for sure at my last scan! That was my last ultrasound, too, unless something seems wrong, or we decide to pay for a 3D ultrasound later on. I had been spoiled, because I have had an ultrasound at every appointment and not everyone gets that. So even though I have been able to see baby girl more than some get to see their baby, I am sad we probably won't get to see her anymore till birth. However, they will check fetal heartbeat and that is always a joy to hear!
I have officially felt baby move/kick/punch!!!!!! It is such a wonderful/amazing feeling! I've felt her several times throughout the day and mostly right when I am settling into bed for the night! Steven hasn't been able to feel her yet, but hopefully soon. According to my reading baby recently started swallowing the amniotic fluid, so I may start to feel her hiccup, too-I am curious how that will feel!
This week I have been getting things together for her room! The colors I have decided on are black and white with accents of gold, blush pink, mint and gray. Theme is kind of eclectic Paris. I have loved Paris since I was in high school. Over the years I have accumulated different decor pieces and wanted to incorporate that in a little girls room, now I get to! This week I also bought some maternity jeans and they are nice! My growing belly isn't allowing my pre-pregnancy jeans to fit comfortably anymore and more of my tops are being pushed to their limits, so I may have bought some more cute flowy ones. Feeling attractive will all these growing parts is important!
Time seems to be going fast-I can't believe it is mid October already. Fall is however my favorite season (I'm enjoying Pumpkin lattes as much as I can, too) and Christmas is right around the corner-my favorite holiday! Things are going right along and we are great!
Sunday, October 5, 2014
San Diego adventures
A little over a week ago I met up with my husband Steven's immediate family in San Diego. It was so nice to see them again and spend a few days having some quality time together. (Steven stayed back home to work and we all missed him!)
While I was there it was kind of non-stop from morning till night, but thankfully my pregnant self was able to keep up and had fun! For the first full day we were there we went to Seaworld! I have never been so it was cool to see some huge sea life that are also quite talented...the tricks they learn are amazing! We watched a dolphin and whale show that was super impressive. My nephew got to go on some water rides he truly had a blast on. On the first ride they all got wet and when they were getting ready to go on another wet ride, Jaxon (our nephew) started taking off his clothes, because he didn't want them to get wet again we guessed, haha. It was so funny and cute, but they had him keep his clothes on in the end-didn't think they would let him go in just his underwear you know ; ). The kids, and big kids...yes us adults, had a great time throughout the day and the little ones got their naps in their strollers, too...we wished there were adult sized strollers we could take a nap in and have someone push us around. Wouldn't that be awesome?!
Then the second day was The San Diego Zoo! I have also never been to this zoo, and so it was another day being a big kid. I wasn't the only one though, everyone loved seeing the amazing animals. Our niece Finley, who just turned one a month ago, loved seeing some of the animals. She would point and make an 'O' with her mouth, because she was so amazed at these things. It was adorable. One thing we also got to see was a cheetah and dog that were best friends...yep, a dog (can't remember the kind-but a big one) and a cheetah got rescued around the same time and have been inseparable. I could go on, but I'll keep it semi-short and share some photos from the trip below!
At both these places though, Seaworld and the zoo, it's amazing how many animals they have been able to rescue and help.

While I was there it was kind of non-stop from morning till night, but thankfully my pregnant self was able to keep up and had fun! For the first full day we were there we went to Seaworld! I have never been so it was cool to see some huge sea life that are also quite talented...the tricks they learn are amazing! We watched a dolphin and whale show that was super impressive. My nephew got to go on some water rides he truly had a blast on. On the first ride they all got wet and when they were getting ready to go on another wet ride, Jaxon (our nephew) started taking off his clothes, because he didn't want them to get wet again we guessed, haha. It was so funny and cute, but they had him keep his clothes on in the end-didn't think they would let him go in just his underwear you know ; ). The kids, and big kids...yes us adults, had a great time throughout the day and the little ones got their naps in their strollers, too...we wished there were adult sized strollers we could take a nap in and have someone push us around. Wouldn't that be awesome?!
Then the second day was The San Diego Zoo! I have also never been to this zoo, and so it was another day being a big kid. I wasn't the only one though, everyone loved seeing the amazing animals. Our niece Finley, who just turned one a month ago, loved seeing some of the animals. She would point and make an 'O' with her mouth, because she was so amazed at these things. It was adorable. One thing we also got to see was a cheetah and dog that were best friends...yep, a dog (can't remember the kind-but a big one) and a cheetah got rescued around the same time and have been inseparable. I could go on, but I'll keep it semi-short and share some photos from the trip below!
At both these places though, Seaworld and the zoo, it's amazing how many animals they have been able to rescue and help.

Tuesday, September 30, 2014
It's a......
Today we found out today we are officially having a GIRL!!!! That's right, this bundle of love that's growing and being molded in my belly is a girl. Everything is looking as it should and every time we get to see our baby it warms our hearts, making me also get teary eyed. We are beyond thrilled and can now officially start doing things for the nursery and most importantly try to pin down a name! We've had a boy named picked out forever, but the girl name has been a whole different story. Names I liked Steven didn't like, and vice versa. (We've talked about names since before we were even trying, because I knew it could be a process to agree on one and boy was I right.) Now, we think we have one picked but are going to give it some time and see how referring to the little miss by it feels and sounds (and if we just decide we don't like it in general).
A little while after our appointment we went to the store and while we were passing the baby clothes I told Steven, "I REALLY want to buy some baby clothes now!!!!" Though, this last weekend I met up with some family and my sister in laws gave me a ton of my nieces clothes she's grown out of and I need to go through that FIRST, see what's in there, and THEN I can begin our shopping for our girl!
I have felt a couple kicks...I think, but nothing too for sure. During my ultrasound we found out my placenta is anterior in my uterus, so that means it's in the front of my belly and is acting like a pillow, muffling the kicks. Any time though I, and Steven, could start to feel some actual kicks, which I am really excited for!
Every day is something to be grateful for and is so precious. I thank God for all He is doing in our lives; everything He has been teaching us. We are learning and opening our hearts and minds to how this next chapter will deepen our (Steven and I's) relationship with another, with our baby and especially the one who created us all.
Friday, September 19, 2014
nineteen weeks
I have had every intention to start doing weekly photos and updates of the baby bump...but things have been a bit busy around here with getting things done for our new house!
I'll try to do at least every other week now. And I want to keep good record of these events too, it's such exciting stuff!
From what my apps say, baby is around 6 inches, around the size of a mango/zucchini. Don't you just love the fruit comparisons? I find them interesting and entertaining to see what they come up with next.
My appetite hasn't increased (from it's already increased state) nor decreased so I'm trying to feed this baby good (eating 6 times a day) and as you can tell the bump has gotten bigger (and some other things up top and little below the belly keep getting bigger if you know what I mean and I am like, 'ookkkaayy, I have about 4/5 months left and can only imagine how much more they might grow-YIKES'!!!! Sorry if that's TMI, but for real?!)!!!! Twice this week strangers have said I have a cute bump and get all excited for us. At first it took me off guard because I know I have a baby growing in there, but on some days I still feel like I could just look really bloated/chubby-depending on what I'm wearing (and some people, after I tell them I am pregnant, say, 'Ok, I wasn't sure so I didn't want to say/ask). But of course I love the excitement and compliments from whoever! I've been able to make most of my clothes work and haven't bought any bigger clothes or maternity clothes. My sister in laws did give some of theirs, so I think I'll be able to hold back buying some of my own for awhile anyways. When I do feel the desire/need to get some I'm going to try to find pieces that I'll be able to wear post pregnancy-spending money on maternity stuff just gets me because even if we do have another baby they won't be worn a ton. Although I hear getting maternity pants is one thing I will probably want and I'm sure I'll grow out of mine with my growing mid section. We shall see how I feel down the road, but that's my thinking at the moment.
Last week one of Steven's coworkers gave us some gender neutral baby gear which was so sweet! We personally haven't bought any baby stuff and I feel the urge every time we pass anything baby. BUT on the 30th we have our BIG ultrasound and hopefully baby cooperates and we will find out the GENDER!!!!!!!! Can you tell I'm ready for it?!?! Steven is really looking forward to it, too and I love it when he shares his excitement and gives the bump some love. Thinking about the day(s) I will see him giving our newborn love overflows my heart even more and makes me get choked up (like as I write this). So after we find out the gender there will definitely be some purchases made...though I'll try to not go too crazy ; ).
We are loving this time and look forward to sharing more with you along the way!
Friday, September 12, 2014
This week we became home owners! YAAAY!
Knowing this will be the home we make into our own and bring our children to brings us such joy! I love picturing our babies in their future rooms, crawling on our living room floor, learning to walk all around, probably making their own artwork on the walls : / playing in the backyard and so much more. (and I know I'm slacking on the baby bump photos...I'm working on it and stay tuned for one sooner than later.)
We have touches and upgrades to make and we have already begun the steps for some. It has some great potential to be even better than it is and we will be doing some improvements along the way!
Knowing this will be the home we make into our own and bring our children to brings us such joy! I love picturing our babies in their future rooms, crawling on our living room floor, learning to walk all around, probably making their own artwork on the walls : / playing in the backyard and so much more. (and I know I'm slacking on the baby bump photos...I'm working on it and stay tuned for one sooner than later.)
We have touches and upgrades to make and we have already begun the steps for some. It has some great potential to be even better than it is and we will be doing some improvements along the way!
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Wednesday events
Yesterday was a beautiful day that Steven and I spent together, just the two of us. It started with a leisurely morning and then mid morning hike. We have been hiking somewhere new each time and I am enjoying the new surroundings. However, after we were on this certain path for a little Steven was leading a couple feet ahead of me and...I keep a very good eye on the path...not just because I'm graceful, but there are some bugs, insects, etc I want to be aware of and it's a good thing I do because...right by Steven's foot there was about a foot and half long SNAKE!!!! I of course scream/jump and Steven looks down and sees the snake slither through his feet and across the path to the other side, into the bushes. He laughed at me and thought I had been attacked by something, but no, just that I SAW a snake close by. If you couldn't tell I'm terrified of snakes. They are one thing I was dreading coming across after we moved here (Alaska supposedly doesn't have any...and I never saw one the whole 6 years I was there...thank goodness). And just my luck I have seen 2 snakes already within the month we've been here. On one of the first hikes I went on when I got here, it was just my girlfriend and I and we brought up snakes. She was glad to hear I was just as afraid of snakes as she is because she said she would feel bad running away from a snake while leaving me, the pregnant lady, behind. But I reassured her I'd be right there with her screaming AND running. Ugh, I need to get over my fear one these days.
Well, other than the snake occurrence on the hike it was beautiful and peaceful. Then close to where we hiked is an area called Hyde Park, with some cute shops, cafes and restaurants. So we ate lunch at one place, walked to a toy store called G. Willikers (cleaver name I must say) and then a candy/ice cream place called Goody's. Oh so yummy it was! We will definitely be making that a regular stop.
Then home we went. We cleaned up and laid down with a book and ended up falling asleep for like 2 hours. The evening came and we stopped by our church's youth event called Chocolate Syrup Slip n' Slim. It's crazy fun for all of them. They recreate the Nickelodeon green slim on one tarp slide. Then on the bottom of another they do chocolate syrup. They spray the slides with water and the kids just keep going down them into either the slim or the chocolate pools at the bottom. It's a great way for youth to see church can be fun and makes kids want to come back for more.
It was a great day, like many. Steven only works 3 days a week and the other 4 is quite enjoyed by us doing things just the two of us or with friends!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
16 weeks
This week marks 16 and I am still doing good. Baby is the size of an avocado (4-5 inches long and 3-5 oz). I have a little pooch that you most likely noticed in my 15 week post and I am still sporting it now. If you didn't know me and were just looking at me you might think I ate a bit too much and/or was just bloated, but it is definitely a hard little belly. My energy level has increased and we try to go on walks and hikes often, though the gym has only seen me once since we've moved. I do get a nap in about once a day and boy are those nice! Plus, with not working I have tons of time to do whatever I want or need to do. Eating often and much is still high on my priority list, ha, and will probably continue to be as such. I need to eat every 2-3 hours, which was how I was before I got pregnant, but now the hunger comes on stronger and faster. Thankfully I'm gaining weight as I should and it's not getting out of control with all my eating!
Today I had an OB appointment and I am happy with the office I chose. Everything went great, talked through a bunch of stuff again. Had another doppler and ultrasound! Baby's heartbeat is still going strong at 155 bpm and is a mover (from what the NP and technician said)! I'm not feeling it yet, but hopefully in a few weeks I will! At one point it was sucking its thumb and then was waving its whole arm a few times-that was cool! The ultrasound technician tried to see if she could take a guess on the gender and at the moment they are guessing GIRL, but at my next appointment they will scan again and will have a better prediction (if the baby cooperates of course)!
Today I had an OB appointment and I am happy with the office I chose. Everything went great, talked through a bunch of stuff again. Had another doppler and ultrasound! Baby's heartbeat is still going strong at 155 bpm and is a mover (from what the NP and technician said)! I'm not feeling it yet, but hopefully in a few weeks I will! At one point it was sucking its thumb and then was waving its whole arm a few times-that was cool! The ultrasound technician tried to see if she could take a guess on the gender and at the moment they are guessing GIRL, but at my next appointment they will scan again and will have a better prediction (if the baby cooperates of course)!
Here's a profile shot!
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
15 weeks
This week makes 15 and baby is the size of a navel orange (4.5in, 2-3oz)! I'm feeling good, finally kicked that nasty cold which was around for awhile! I am craving lots and pretty much all junk unfortunately (soda, cherry limeades from Sonic, Chinese food, fries, candy, ice cream, etc). So I am trying to keep myself in check and not get carried away. Steven does a good job at giving me the look when I say I'm craving something I shouldn't, ha. But he has also been nice and lets me indulge here and there. Plus my motivation to work out has gone down the drain and that's not a great combination when all I want is junk-so I'm working on that.
I think I finally found a Dr. here and have my appointment next week! It includes an ultrasound and I am quite excited to see our little babe again! Then at the appointment after that we will have the big scan where we find out the sex! We have no inclination yet as to whether it's a boy or a girl, however several people think it's a girl, we shall see!
Monday, August 18, 2014
Anniversary #6
Saturday was Steven and I's 6 year wedding anniversary! It was a wonderful day shared with some friends, too. The day started with us going to the Capital City Public Market, Downtown Boise. There were blocks and blocks of vendors with fresh produce, pottery, artwork, drinks, etc. I wanted to eat and drink pretty much all the food and beverages...no one would guess I was pregnant, ha.
Then we met up with some friends to float the river. The temperature was perfect and we had an eight person raft that was round with a hole in the middle like a donut with a backrest on it. It was awesome! I wanted to take a picture of it, but of course forgot the camera (one of these days I will get better at capturing more moments and taking good quality ones, too). Floating was quite the adventure, because guiding such a huge circle raft isn't that easy, but it made for some great laughter and good memories!
For the evening Steven and I went out to dinner to Old Chicago, then dessert at The Melting Pot (one of our favorite places). We ate waaayy too much and I joked with Steven that I had two babies now, one real baby with the addition of a food baby. After all that, we headed to Wahooz Family Fun Center for miniature golf. The Melting Pot and miniature golf here is special to us because it is where we had our first date seven and a half years ago! I thought it would be fun to kind of recreate that day and it definitely made our anniversary extra special.
I love the moments Steven and I have experienced together, the memories we have made and all the ones we will make. There are many times when I think, how did I get so lucky with a guy like my husband. God has blessed me tremendously and I pray that I will always be a blessing back to Steven, being molded into the wife He wants me to be. Here's to 6 years of marriage and hopefully 60 more!
Then we met up with some friends to float the river. The temperature was perfect and we had an eight person raft that was round with a hole in the middle like a donut with a backrest on it. It was awesome! I wanted to take a picture of it, but of course forgot the camera (one of these days I will get better at capturing more moments and taking good quality ones, too). Floating was quite the adventure, because guiding such a huge circle raft isn't that easy, but it made for some great laughter and good memories!
For the evening Steven and I went out to dinner to Old Chicago, then dessert at The Melting Pot (one of our favorite places). We ate waaayy too much and I joked with Steven that I had two babies now, one real baby with the addition of a food baby. After all that, we headed to Wahooz Family Fun Center for miniature golf. The Melting Pot and miniature golf here is special to us because it is where we had our first date seven and a half years ago! I thought it would be fun to kind of recreate that day and it definitely made our anniversary extra special.
I love the moments Steven and I have experienced together, the memories we have made and all the ones we will make. There are many times when I think, how did I get so lucky with a guy like my husband. God has blessed me tremendously and I pray that I will always be a blessing back to Steven, being molded into the wife He wants me to be. Here's to 6 years of marriage and hopefully 60 more!
Every year we take a picture with the number representing the year we are on for our anniversary. This year it was hole number 6 on the miniature golf course we went to!
Saturday, August 9, 2014
My goodness these last few weeks have been quite the experience for Steven and I!
As most of you know Steven got offered a job in Idaho and we accepted. The thing about accepting was we had 3 weeks to move. We did sign up for that, but living it was interesting. We both worked those 3 weeks and needed to sell things, pack things and spend time with people we wouldn't see for awhile...it was busy. Plus during the last week we were there I got a nasty cold that is still holding on.
Everything we needed to do went surprisingly well and we have been super grateful. We have such a great support system in Alaska that was hard to leave. Our co-workers gave us some touching goodbye parties/gifts. And our family put on a party that was Hawaiian themed because Hawaii is where I actually first met the majority of them. That evening definitely touched me and made me cry several times throughout that night, because it would be one of the last times we see them for a bit. I will say I wore waterproof mascara everyday those last 3 weeks.
We have been in Idaho for almost a week and it has been eventful as well. This first week we get to house sit for some friends and then we get to stay with some other friends for a little. We have some generous and wonderful friends here.
Before we moved here we started the house hunt process with a realtor and on the second day here we actually got together with her and looked at the houses we were interested in. It was fun to do that for the first time, trying to find the house we would grow our family in. We are in the process of pursuing one in particular and we are looking forward to how it will play out!
The weather has been wonderful here! Alaska was having the rainiest summer they have had in years and we were really looking forward to being somewhere there was a guaranteed summer! We've gone on walks, a hike, runs, bike rides and will be floating the river soon!
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