Thursday, September 1, 2016

August photo favorites

This year is flying by I tell ya! We've been enjoying ourselves though, so at least we're having fun! Here's some pictures to prove it ; )

^^ Ellie put her water cup inside her sweater like this, all on her own. Had me cracking up

^^ there's this big youth room off the lobby of our church and a few of our friends are youth pastors. So we usually make our way in there to say hi/hang out. Ellie got introduced to the balls in there and she ALWAYS wants to go in there to play every Sunday now!

There have been lots of hot days around here and we've taken advantage of swimming in some pools! 

Always wanting to dance with her babies! 

We went to the fair - Ellie's first time. She enjoyed the rides and animals for sure!

My mom and step dad came to visit for a handful of days. It was nice spending time with them and seeing them love on Ellie - she certainly loves their attention. 

Taking this toddler to a miniature golf course was a bit too exciting, for her. So we ended up putting her in the ergo and as you can tell, she was happy!