Saturday, October 24, 2015

First pumpkin patch!

Earlier this week the three of us went to our first pumpkin patch! Every year I've seen pictures of people going and I was always a little envious. Last year we could have gone, but we didn't, and the previous 6 years...well, were in Alaska...nuff said. Plus, I think it's more fun when you have a little one. So let's just say I was pretty excited enough for the three of us to be going this year. Steven could have just picked a pumpkin from any ol' store, or could have gone without a pumpkin for that matter, so he was a nice husband and put a smile on his face for me! And I did make him truly smile when we got there and I kind of squealed like a little kid (yep).
Ellie was intrigued and happy to be around so many people and activity. That girl is stimulated easy with all that goes on around her.
First on the agenda was the corn maze! Steven has been to both a normal and haunted maze (no thank you!), but I had never been and find them crafty. It wasn't no hedge maze, like in the Goblet of Fire (all you Harry Potter fans know what I'm talking about), but it was fun none the less ; ). The little miss really enjoyed being on daddy's shoulders, laughing and smiling lots.
Next, the pumpkin patch! We hopped on the hay ride and had the wind in our hair - literally. The temps are starting to cool down, but we had Ellie bundled in her jacket and wrapped in her daddy's arms. She was mesmerized by the corn stalks we passed and then the several different pumpkin patches. When we got off the ride I wanted to find a little pumpkin for Ellie first. Once we found a good one we let her hold it and she was looking like, what is this thing? This is what you were so excited about mom? Ha. And it was a little hard to get her to smile for the camera because she was so focused on the pumpkins and surroundings. She wanted to walk around, play and sit on the ground with anything and everything there was in reach. We love watching her take in the world around her and it's only going to get better.
I would say our first visit was a success and I hope to make it an annual tradition!


Monday, October 5, 2015

8 months


(These monthly photos are getting harder and harder with her moving around so much, so there you have what I could get that day!)

Size: Moved up to size 3 diapers. She's in very little 3 month clothes (some dresses are being worn like shirts and that's it). And then the majority of clothes she fits in are 6 to 9 month. Don't have a weight or height this month-her next appointment is the 9 month well check. We can tell she thickening up a bit though and that makes us happy and sad at the same time!

Eyes: The color is holding strong at a deep blue/grey/green. They are a beautiful unique shade.

Hair: Long people! Like several inches long. It's getting in her eyes more, so putting it up in a little pony on the top/side of her head is getting to be a common hairstyle of hers. It is longer in the front (with a little curl), then shorter in the back, yay for awesome baby hair growth (ha) and gets really curly when wet. And it's still a golden brown.

Sleep: Praise she's still sleeping grandly! Some days her morning nap runs a little shorter than normal; about an hour and half. But her afternoon one stays close to 2+ hours. She does wonderfully during the night; still those 10+ hours of blissful sleep for her. And I love how she can be so tired in our arms when we put her down for nap/bedtime, but sometimes she'll talk to herself for a good 10+ minutes before she actually gives into sleep. No whining or crying, just Ellie babble, and it's adorable. And sometimes she'll wake up in the middle of her nap, do her talking again for about 5 minutes and then fall back asleep for another hour.

Eating: This girl is a champ eater people! We have introduced more solids into her diet and she was a little hesitant on a couple of them. But when we gave them to her the second time, she accepted all great (except one of them)! So far we have given her oatmeal cereal, avocado, green beans, sweet potato, squash, apples, bananas and kiwi (suggested by doctor and that went as good as one would guess-she wasn't a fan at all). She's still wants mama's milk her normal amount and that's fine. I hope to continue nursing till she's at least one, so I won't think about weaning until that's closer or if she's not showing as much interest sooner than that.

  • Crawling on her hands and knees-sometimes, otherwise it's a fast and furious army crawl
  • Goes to a seated position all on her own
  • Gets up on her knees
  • Has pulled herself all the way up to a standing position a lot. She will lose balance a lot of the time, too so you have got to be ready to catch her and thankfully we have been because there would have been some nasty falls! : / No worries on her part ; )
  • Swinging/waving arms and kind of claps to music 
  • And I could swear she repeated me after I said 'all done' and just 'done'; two different occasions. They weren't clear as day, but it REALLY sounded like she was mimicking me! It sounded like ' ah duh'. I think I'm talking crazy (I'll admit it) and Steven wasn't really listening, so I can't have him back me up here. Plus she hasn't done it again, but that would be pretty cool if it was the start to words!
  • Any toy ball
  • Being tickled 
  • Shoes; hers and ours (I wonder if a shoe fetish is forming...wonder where she might get that from...)
  • Crawling ALL over the place, she loves exploring anywhere and everywhere
  • Mauling over your legs and pillows
  • Her musical/activity table
  • Having you blow raspberries on her
  • Playing with her spoon
  • Waiting in her highchair for food. She knows that's where she gets the food and she's ready when you put her in it-so you best be, too. (she doesn't get really upset, just makes some whiny noises thankfully)
And these are some of the things I want to remember...
The way she grabs/plays with my hair while she's nursing. Reaches for you. Sucks on her bottom lip randomly. Talks to herself in her crib before she succumbs to sleep and when she wakes. Smiles EVERY time we get her in the morning and after nap. The way she smiles when Steven walks into the room. The way she nestles into our neck or on our shoulder when she's tired. Sucks her ring and middle finger at the same time, on her right hand only, when she's tired. Purses her lips together and blows, kind of spits. How she observes new people and then will give a cute or awkward smile soon after. Slaps the hardwood floor before she actually crawls onto it. The way she scrunches her nose up and breaths out of it all crazy. Gets excited for solids by moving her arms and legs.

We are so lucky she's a really happy baby. So the dislike category has been hard to fill out these last several months! She likes/loves so many things. All that I have listed in the 'Likes' category since month one, and so on, has stayed basically the same - so it would be a huge list if I put them all down every month! And seeing her reach her milestones makes me get choked up pretty often...yes I'm a sap, and yes I'm a proud mama!