Tuesday, March 1, 2016

February photo favorites

I think I'll be doing a monthly post like this...photos from the previous month; sharing moments of our family and of course just some cute ones of our girl! A bit of these have been shared on social media, but I know some family who don't have things like that and instead of trying to remember who I texted these pics to and forgetting some people along the way, I figured I would put them on here! A lot are grainy and/or blurry because I'm not the worlds best photographer and an iPhone isn't the best camera to begin with, BUT it's the most convenient one to grab.
So here are some February favorites...

^^our little Valentine!

^^Valentine's date, just the two of us! 

^^Ellie LOVES books

^^these were taken after we had been at the doctors office for her 12 month well check. She was (is) in the 47th percentile for weight, the best she has ever been in since the day she was born! It was a very happy day (hence the hands up for "yay!!")!!

^^she gets smothered in kisses quite often ; )

^^ you can't really tell, but there are TWO teeth poking through on the bottom there! They sprouted a couple days before her first birthday and have been making way well! 

^^mealtime messes-blueberries

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