Thursday, May 4, 2017

36 weeks

How far along?: 36 weeks

Movement: This one is the same as the last isn't as often, but when it does happen, she is strong.

Total weight gain/loss: I have still only gained 18/19 pounds! I do however feel like I look bigger...but whatever the scale says!

Maternity clothes: Wearing basically all maternity clothes, with the exception of a few non-maternity shirts. I did end up getting those non-maternity elastic waist/drawstring shorts from Old Navy and they are great! They will continue to be great with my ever changing midsection these next several months!

Currently craving: Ice cream, cheese and crackers, smoothies from Tree City Juice & Smoothie Cafe and fruit.

Anything make you sick or queasy?: Waiting too long to eat.

Stretch marks: I think I have a few new ones around my belly button area, but all in all the ones I have are very faint.

Sleep: Is getting better. It was absolutely terrible last week. I am slowly getting over a cold and on top of getting up for the bathroom, it was taking forever to fall asleep when the sickness was at it's worst. I'd also wake up a ton to cough. And coughing hard like I was is quite dangerous at this point in pregnancy if you know what I mean, yikes!

Feeling: Like I said in last paragraph, getting over a cold. Being this big and at this point of pregnancy for me is already a little hard-with a toddler, so getting sick really wore me down. I was constantly tired and I didn't want to talk at all - throat burned constantly and I sounded really horse. Still sound and feel a little sick, but am slowly getting more and more sleep each night which helps. Other than sickness I am getting more and more anxious to meet our girl! It still amazes me we are having another kid, let alone another daughter! Very surreal still for Steven and I.
OH, and at my doctor appointment last week I was checked for any progress...I was dilated 1cm, which I know isn't anything, but was quite exciting to hear!

Working on/Thinking about: Nursery! More and more of baby girls room is getting done! With being sick, it really set me back on being pro active on getting things done in general. Then I wonder how Ellie is going to respond to having a sibling. I know there's going to be lots of ups and downs and won't be a breeze. And, I wonder how it's all going to look, as a family of four.

Favorite moment from this week: I have 2. First, I was thrown a very beautiful shower by two of my girlfriends last week (blog post on this soon!). And second, I went to the doctor early this week for my cold...not the great part. However, the doctor asked if I wanted to take a listen to the babies heartbeat...well of course! It sounded good and strong and then she felt for the babies my last appointment she was head down, but this time she couldn't tell for sure. So, she said let's try taking a look with the ultrasound machine. I was able to get seen in the actual ultrasound room, with their nice machine and actual ultrasound technician. Seeing baby girl on the big screen made me get choked up. She was head down, but was also being really cooperative, letting us see a great profile and even front on shot of her face. It's not as freaky looking to me at this point! It made me even more anxious to see her in person!

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