Wednesday, January 4, 2017

December photo favorites

December...the month that has my favorite holiday - CHRISTMAS! I love getting the Christmas decorations up the weekend after Thanksgiving, just so I can enjoy them as long as I can (the hubby doesn't want them up before Thanksgiving). We got a decent amount of snow this month and we had a white Christmas, which always makes me happy! When I was younger, living in Oregon, I would frequently pray for a white one, and would very rarely ever get it. Then when I lived in Alaska, it was of course a guarantee. Now, the last three Decembers we've been in Idaho, we've had one every time (insert a giddy kid happy dance)!! Ellie loves seeing the snow, talking about the snow ("Snow everywhere - fun!" she says), and playing in it! Now we just need to build a snowman...
The three of us went to Oregon for a week and got to spend time with some family and friends. However, I didn't get but a couple pictures during that time, whoops. (But my mom will be sending me some soon!) We hosted our Friends Christmas party. And celebrated the holiday a few more times as the actual holiday approached. It was so fun to watch Ellie this year. Last year she was barely a one year old. This time she was able to get more into it and got excited about things. She was able to open her presents by herself (for the most part) and loved the Christmas tree/lights every.single.morning! She would ask for the "misses tree lights" every time we would walk out of her room each morning. Having a little one makes each holiday more fun for me. Seeing the joy in her face and eyes, seriously makes this mama more sentimental.
Also, this month we potty trained Ellie! She has been showing a lot of signs for awhile that made us feel comfortable starting it so early. The first couple days were rough and the first hand full of nights were miserable. We were doing an underwear only method, day and night. But then we decided to do pull-ups for nap and night, which has helped us get our sanity back. We ALL need our sleep!!! She has been doing amazing with it and all 3 times she's been out since the start of training she has been accident free and has gone in her little potty chair we packed up in the car! Getting out has helped with our sanity as well...we are avid shoppers and staying home bound was rough, too!
I also turned 29 and even though it was spent at home, potty training I am proud to be a stay at home mom. This is what I always wanted!

^^ she'd admire those lights and ornaments every day

loving the first big snowfall of the winter

Friend's Christmas Party

^^ I spy some little piggies...

^^ Ellie got this little vacuum from some friends; she loves it. 
She would always want to "help" me when I would and now she has her very own!

^^ Christmas Eve!

^^ Christmas morning!

^^ hat for Christmas tradition. Last year on the left, this year on the right

^^ more snow fun...on Christmas! Makes me so happy...and Ellie!

^^ early potty training days...but success!

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